
7 interesting facts about adorable red Pandas, the last one will surely surprise you

Friday, 24/03/2023, 14:03 (GMT+7)

Not only a rare animal species, but pandas also hide many interesting secrets that not everyone knows.

Each animal species has its own habits and lifestyle. Among them, the red panda is often known as one of the rare and famous animals with a "lazy" habit.

However, deeply hidden within this animal species are many fascinating facts that make us amazed.

1. Pandas prefer solitude 

Unlike the misconception that pandas prefer living in groups, these animals actually prefer solitude and will almost always avoid direct contact with others of their kind.

Every year, male and female pandas only meet during the mating season for about 2-3 days in the springtime (from March to May every year).

After that, the males bid farewell to the females and return to enjoying their solitary life until the next mating season.

7 interesting facts about adorable red Pandas, the last one will surely surprise you 1
Pandas prefer solitude

2. Pandas eat all the time 

The daily main food of pandas is bamboo, sometimes supplemented with fruits. Because of such a high-fiber diet, pandas have to eat a lot (more than 12 hours a day) to get enough nutrition to support their plump bodies. Outside of eating time, they spend the rest of their time sleeping to conserve energy for more eating.

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Pandas eat all the time

3. Pandas have "false thumbs" 

In fact, the panda hand has 5 fingers but no thumb, only a pseudo-thumb that functions like a thumb. That "false thumb" is actually the wrist bone that has developed so large that it protrudes to one side of the hand.

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Pandas have "false thumbs"

The muscle controlling the bone of the panda hand has been rearranged to help the pseudo-thumb move and grip the bamboo trunk more easily.

4. Panda fur provides camouflage 

Everyone knows pandas for their incredibly cute black and white fur. However, this fur is not just for looks - it also serves a very useful purpose.

The distinctive fur pattern of pandas allows them to blend in and avoid danger when blending into both bright and dark backgrounds, especially in bamboo forests.

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Panda fur provides camouflage

5. There are up to two species of panda

Panda subspecies are mainly found in the Sichuan region of China. However, there is also another rare subspecies of panda that only lives in the Qinling Mountains in the western region of China called the red panda.

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Red panda

The red panda is slightly smaller than the typical giant panda and has brown and white fur, instead of black and white. Like the typical panda, this red panda is also on the brink of extinction and requires urgent protection.

6. Pandas belong to the order "carnivorous"

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Pandas belong to the order "carnivorous"

It may sound unbelievable, but even though 99% of this animal's diet consists of bamboo and grass, it belongs to the "carnivore" group. An adult panda needs to eat at least 18 kg of bamboo leaves per day on average.

Wild pandas may sometimes eat grass, wild roots, bird meat, rodents, and even carrion. Pandas raised in captivity may also eat honey, eggs, fish, carrots, potatoes, shrub leaves, and fruits such as apples, oranges, or bananas.

7. Newborn pandas weigh only as much as a pencil 

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Newborn pandas weigh only as much as a pencil

Due to their extremely short pregnancy period of about 135 days, panda cubs are born weighing only 80-120 grams. They are among the smallest newborn mammals.

Typically, the size of a newborn panda is only about 1/1900 of its mother, while the ratio for most other mammals is nearly 1/26.

When born, panda cubs cannot open their eyes and require special care from their mother in the first few months of life.

Although their pregnancy period is short, pandas cannot reproduce quickly like other species with a breeding interval of 2 years. This is also why these animals are increasingly endangered and facing the risk of extinction.

Tags: panda