World’s longest nails woman answers the most common question everyone always asks

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Diana Armstrong, the world’s longest nails woman, reveals how she manages daily tasks, answering the question everyone always asks.

The woman’s record-breaking nails leave people surprised

Diana Armstrong, a woman known for having the world’s longest nails, has answered a question that everyone always asks her.

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The woman’s record-breaking nails leave people surprise. Image Credit: Getty

Diana’s nails are incredibly long, a unique feature that has garnered much attention and curiosity.

People often wonder how she manages her daily life with such long nails.

The woman from Minnesota, USA holds the Guinness World Record for having the world’s longest nails, which she has been growing since 1997.

Her nails were last measured in 2022 at a staggering 42 feet and 10 inches in total length, exceeding the length of a yellow school bus.

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In 2022, her nails measured 42 feet 10 inches long. Image Credit: Getty

World’s longest nails woman answers the questions everyone always asks

One of the most common questions people ask Diana is how she performs everyday tasks such as eating, dressing, and cleaning.

Diana explains that she has developed special techniques to manage these activities.

For instance, she uses her knuckles and the sides of her fingers to grip objects.

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Many people were curious about Diana managing eating, dressing, and cleaning with long nails. Image Credit: Getty

Over time, she has become quite skilled at handling her long nails, turning what many see as a limitation into a part of her daily routine.

Another common question she faces is how she manages activities like using the restroom.

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Diana handles this by choosing the largest stall in public restrooms.

She adapts her handwashing routine by washing one hand at a time instead of rubbing it together conventionally.

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People also ask how she manages using the restroom. Image Credit: Getty

The woman reveals a touching reason why she grows her nails out

Diana’s decision to grow her nails out indefinitely was deeply personal.

In 1997, her 16-year-old daughter, Latisha, tragically passed away from an asthma attack.

The day before her daughter’s passing, Latisha had spent time polishing and filing Diana’s nails.

In honor of her daughter’s memory, Diana chose never to cut her nails again.

She states that they have become an integral part of her identity.

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Diana’s decision to grow her nails out indefinitely was deeply personal. Image Credit: Getty

Maintaining nails of such extraordinary length requires significant effort and support.

Diana’s grandchildren play a crucial role in her nail care routine.

They spent about ten hours polishing each nail and using woodworking tools to file them.

It can take up to 20 bottles of nail polish and four days to complete the entire process.

The practical challenges of having extremely long nails are evident in Diana’s daily life.

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Diana’s grandchildren spend ten hours polishing and filing each nail. Image Credit: Getty

Social media reaction

On social media, many people expressed amazement and admiration for her dedication and unique achievement.

We all know that the question is how she plays guitar with those, one user said.

Yes how does she go about hygiene in certain places, the second user commented.

Does she pick her nose, the third user said.

How would you go to the bathroom or take a shower wash dishes etc., another wrote.

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