State cancels man’s license plate for displaying NSFW message when turned upside down

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A man’s license plate was canceled by the state after officials realized it resembled an NSFW phrase when flipped upside down.

A man in Texas recently faced an unusual problem when his custom license plate was canceled by the state.

The plate, which read “370H55V,” was deemed offensive after officials discovered that it could be interpreted as a vulgar phrase when viewed upside down.

The license plate controversy sparked significant discussion.

Safer Hassan, the owner of a Lamborghini, had been using the license plate for over three years without any issues.

He thought the combination of letters and numbers was harmless and did not expect any backlash.

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Texas man loses license plate over hidden NSFW message. Image Credit: YouTube/KPRC 2 Click2Houston

However, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) sent him a letter notifying him that the plate was considered offensive and needed to be changed within 30 days.

Hassan was surprised and puzzled by this decision. He stated that he had never noticed the hidden meaning of the plate and believed it was unfair for the state to revoke it without warning.

Social media reactions

The story quickly gained attention online, with many people sharing their thoughts on social media.

Some users were amused by the situation, stating that they would not have considered the plate offensive unless it was pointed out to them.

One commenter noted, “If you have to tell us it’s offensive, it’s not offensive.”

Another user criticized the DMV, saying it seemed like a waste of time and resources to focus on such a minor issue.

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Many people expressed disbelief that anyone would take the time to read a license plate upside down to find hidden messages.

Comments like “Who spends their time reading plates upside down?” reflected the general sentiment that the cancellation was unnecessary.

The second user wrote: That employee who reviewed that should be fired and has a dirty mind

Another user added: He ain’t driving with it upside down so wat the hell there bloody outa there heads

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Safer Hassan shocked after DMV cancels plate for offensive meaning. Image Credit: YouTube/KPRC 2 Click2Houston

What does NSFW mean?

The controversy arose from the fact that when “370H55V” is flipped upside down, it resembles the phrase “a**hole.”

This connection was not immediately obvious to Hassan, who had used the plate without realizing its potential interpretation.

He later remarked that his closest friends had no idea about the meaning, either.

The DMV stated that license plates are banned if deemed offensive to drivers.

Their policy aims to prevent references to sex acts, vulgar language, and other inappropriate content.

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Hassan’s response to the license plate cancellation

After receiving the cancellation notice, Hassan felt that the state’s actions were an overreach.

He expressed his frustration, stating, “I definitely think the state has over-reached its boundaries.”

He had enjoyed the plate for years, and being forced to change it felt unwarranted.

Hassan’s situation highlights the challenges faced by those who want personalized plates.

While many people enjoy the freedom to express themselves through customizations, there is always the risk of misinterpretation.

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This incident is not the only case of controversial license plates.

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Flipped license plate revealed unintended vulgar message, sparking controversy. Image Credit: Reddit

In the past, other individuals have faced similar problems when their plates were deemed inappropriate.

For example, a woman in New York received numerous parking fines due to her license plate being replicated by fans of a popular TV show.

These instances raise questions about how states regulate personalized plates and the criteria used to determine what is acceptable.

While some people may find certain phrases or combinations humorous, others may view them as offensive.

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