Man marries older landlady despite being 20 years his senior

Despite being 20 years younger than his older landlady, a man has decided to marry her,…

Why do we bury people in coffins instead of just in the ground

Burying people in coffins rather than directly in the ground has historical, cultural, and practical reasons.…

Mysterious black blob found on Sydney beaches sparked dark theories

Many viewers were stunned after mysterious black blob were found on Sydney beaches, sparking various theories.…

Scientists have never dared to open up tomb of China’s first emperor for a chilling reason

Scientists avoid opening the tomb of China’s first emperor due to fears of toxic traps and…

Young boy claims he died peacefully on Titanic in past life as drawing detailed images of tragedy

A young boy claims he died as an architect on the Titanic in the past life…

Teen rebuilds totaled Tesla for $15,000 and discovers shocking history from built-in computer data

On social media, many viewers were stunned by a viral video showing a teen who purchased…

Fans honor Liam Payne with tatto tributes after his tragic death

On social media, many viewers were stunned as One Direction fans honored Liam Payne with tattoo…

Tesla owners stunned by $20,000 repair bill after driving in the rain

A Tesla owner faced an unexpected breakdown and was shocked by a $20,000 repair bill after…

Pentagon responds to most-asked question about whether aliens have visited Earth

The Pentagon recently addressed a frequently asked question regarding the possibility of UFOs and aliens visiting…