
Man avoids going to jail for 13 years as police totally forget to imprison him

Thursday, 06/06/2024, 13:24 (GMT+7)

The man had the freedom for 13 years despite breaking the law, even becoming a married man with four kids.

In an unbelievable situation, a man successfully avoided going to jail for 13 years because the police completely forgot to put him in prison.

Therefore, he had unofficial freedom for a decade due to the authorities' mistake.

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A man avoided jail for 13 years because the police forgot to imprison him. Image Credit: Getty

Man avoids going to jail for 13 years as police totally forget to imprison him

Cornealious Anderson, a resident of Missouri, was convicted and sentenced in 1999 for the armed robbery of a Burger King manager during a bank deposit.

However, despite receiving a 13-year prison sentence, he was never actually taken into custody.

After posting bail and appealing his sentence, which was eventually denied, Anderson seemingly slipped through the cracks of the justice system.

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Cornealious Anderson was convicted in 1999 for robbing a Burger King manager during a bank deposit. Image Credit: Getty

While everyone involved in the case assumed he had been incarcerated, he was living a seemingly normal life.

Anderson even became a married father of four, joined a church, started his own small business, and served as a youth football coach. 

He didn't make any efforts to conceal his identity and lived as an upstanding member of society.

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While everyone believed he was in prison, Cornealious Anderson was living a seemingly normal life. Image Credit: Getty

It wasn't until 2013 that the Missouri Department of Corrections realized their serious error.

A SWAT team arrived at Anderson's home, arresting him for the overlooked prison sentence.

He recalled the moment, describing the intense knocking on his door early in the morning and the shock of seeing a small army of law enforcement officers waiting outside.

Anderson was taken into custody and spent nine months in prison. 

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Anderson not only built a family with four children and tied the knot, but he also became an active member of a church. Image Credit: Getty

However, his life during the previous 13 years had undergone a profound transformation, leading Judge Terry Lynn Brown to grant his release. 

The judge acknowledged that Anderson had become a "changed man." This decision reflected the positive impact Anderson had made on his community and his journey of reformation.

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After a significant change in his life, Judge Terry Lynn Brown granted Anderson's release from prison. Image Credit: Getty

Previously, a man had been wrongly imprisoned for over 25 years.

Clarence Moses-el, who was wrongly convicted of a crime he did not commit, has been granted a remarkable sum of $2,304,979 as compensation.

Everything started in 1987 when Moses-el was given an unbelievable 48-year prison sentence because a woman said she dreamt of him committing a violet attack.

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In 1987, Moses-el was sentenced to 48 years in prison based on a woman's dream accusation. Image Credit: Getty

Despite always saying he was innocent during his long time in jail, Moses-el encountered many difficulties while trying to prove his innocence.

However, years later, a shocking revelation emerged. 

The Denver Police Department had mistakenly discarded crucial physical evidence, including an untested rape kit labeled "Do not destroy." 

This unfortunate mishap was attributed to communication problems rather than intentional wrongdoing. 

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Moses-el encountered obstacles in proving his innocence throughout his prison term

However, it was during an investigation into a different rape case that important evidence was found again, resulting in a significant development in Moses-el's situation.

During Moses-el's retrial, evidence emerged that the blood sample from the crime scene did not match his DNA. Another person confessed to the assault, further supporting his claims of innocence. 

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In November 2016, after a challenging retrial and 25 years in prison, Moses-el was finally acquitted. Image Credit: Getty

In November 2016, after enduring a grueling retrial and spending 25 painful years behind bars, Moses-el was finally acquitted of all charges. 

As a result, Moses-el received a substantial amount of $2,304,979. Finally, in 2016, after three decades of fighting for justice, Moses-el's determination paid off. 

Tags: man prison