
Max Malamute and Duck form an endearing bond, welting hearts everywhere

Sunday, 21/05/2023, 14:03 (GMT+7)

Nowadays, it's quite normal to see cats and dogs as best friends. But have you ever heard about a furry Husky "brotherhood" with a feathery duck? This is definitely not an ordinary friendship.

Max is a 5-year-old Husky dog adopted by Patrick and Kirsten Riley from Minnesota. Previously, Max and his Husky housemate Sasha were inseparable friends.

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Max and Quackers always go hand in hand in every situation.Image Credits: Bored Panda

When Sasha passed away due to old age, Max's heart shattered. He felt lonely and withdrawn. However, that void was filled by a duck with soft white feathers.

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Image Credits: Bored Panda

When Patrick and Kirsten adopted Quackers the duck, Max immediately bonded with him.

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Max and Quackers never leave each other half a step.Image Credits: Bored Panda

Patrick described the early days of Max and Quackers: "Max was always by the side of his new feathered friend, never leaving him even for a step. They slept together, ate together, drank together, and often went for walks together."

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Image Credits: Bored Panda

Max and Quackers would go on long walks as if they had endless stories to share.

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Max sleeps while Quackers watch over him. Image Credits: Bored Panda

This adorable sight caught the attention of people on the streets they passed by, with many stopping their cars to take photos, causing frequent traffic jams. This duo became just as famous as the town's celebrities.