
Student's essay on Brad Pitt's Fight Club movie achieves perfect score with only 19 words

Wednesday, 03/07/2024, 17:53 (GMT+7)

A student impressed her teacher perfectly with a 19-word essay on Brad Pitt's Fight Club movie.

One student has proven that less can indeed be more in a world where essays often demand lengthy word counts. 

Recently, a student, Allison Garrett submitted a 19-word review of the 1999 cult classic film Fight Club and earned a perfect grade from her professor.

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Allison Garrett got a perfect grade for her 19-word review of the 1999 film Fight Club. Image Credit: Getty

The assignment asked students to write a review of a movie they had seen. Rather than crafting a lengthy analysis, Garret decided to choose an incredibly concise approach.

Her entire essay read: "The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club. That's it, that's my essay."

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Instead of a long analysis, Garrett opted for brevity. Image Credit: X

Even though Garrett's review was short, his professor was impressed. 

In the feedback on the assignment, the teacher expressed admiration for Garrett's creative approach. 

The professor noted that the grade was the result of carefully considering the relevance and humor of the concise review.

"I debated this grade for a while. Ultimately, you get a grade for making me laugh and for how relevant your review is to this movie."

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A student impressed her teacher perfectly with a 19-word essay on Brad Pitt's Fight Club movie. Image Credit: Getty

The professor warned Garrett not to try the same tactic with other instructors, noting "they may not have my sense of humor." 

But for this assignment, the minimalist approach paid off handsomely, with Garrett earning a perfect 100% score.

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Garrett's minimalist approach paid off, earning her a perfect score of 100% for the assignment. Image Credit: Getty

When Garrett shared her accomplishment on the social media platform X, it quickly went viral.

She gambled on her teacher's sense of humour, one user said.

Honestly, it shows critical thinking skills which most of the people in the world do not have. Congrats, kiddo! The second user said.

The most amazing part about fight club is that all of the events was done by a single schizophrenic man this shows how our mind can be in critical moments, another explains the movie's content.

Perfect, or lazy? someone asked.

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Directed by David Fincher and based on Chuck Palahniuk's novel, Fight Club is famed for its quotable dialogue. Image Credit: Getty

Fight Club, directed by David Fincher and based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, is known for its iconic and often quotable dialogue.

It's a hidden fight club where men fight with their bare hands to release their anger and frustration with modern life.

In another case, a 10-year-old girl refused to answer a homework question because she found it offensive. 

The incident occurred in 2019 when the girl, named Rhythm Pacheco, objected to a math question that asked about the weight difference between two students. 

Rhythm was concerned that this question could be hurtful to young girls struggling with body image issues.

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A student named Rhythm Pacheco objected to a math question about weight differences, citing concerns about body image. Image Credit: Facebook

Instead of answering the question, Rhythm wrote a note expressing her refusal, stating that the question was rude and that she did not want to judge people based on their weight. 

Her intention was also to prevent similar questions from appearing in future assignments.

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Rhythm wrote a note refusing to answer, calling the weight question rude, and refusing judgment based on weight. Image Credit: X

Surprisingly, instead of dismissing Rhythm's opinion, her math teacher had a supportive talk, reassuring Rhythm that she wasn't in trouble and respecting her point of view.

The school district praised the teacher for her caring approach. The question was from the Eureka Math curriculum, which hadn't received this kind of feedback before. 

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Surprisingly, Rhythm's math teacher supported her, reassuring her she wasn't in trouble and respecting her view. Image Credit: X

Chad Colby, the curriculum creator, appreciated the feedback and acknowledged the discomfort it caused. 

He promised to replace the question in future versions and suggested teachers offer a suitable alternative to students for now.