
Woman explains the reason for not dating man who has job

Sunday, 02/06/2024, 15:07 (GMT+7)

People are curious about the woman's choice for dating a man who has a job.

A woman's explanation for refusing to date a man with a job has ignited a heated debate. 

During a podcast episode, Trishonna and Destine expressed their preference for unemployed partners, citing the desire for spontaneity. 

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The explanation provided by a woman for her refusal to date a man who has a job has triggered a heated debate among people. Image Credit: Getty

Contrary to what many might expect, both Trishonna and Destine expressed a preference for partners who are unemployed. 

Their reasoning behind this peculiar choice revolves around the concept of spontaneity.

They believe that individuals with full-time jobs often struggle to accommodate impromptu plans or sudden trips. 

Trishonna even gave an example, asking, "What if we want to go to Jamaica, and you can't because you've gotta go to your job?"

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The reason they give for making this unusual choice is based on their preference for unpredictability. Image Credit: Youtube

Destine concurred that she couldn't date a man with a job, explaining that many people on the internet get offended by such statements. 

The reason behind their preference is the difficulty of incorporating spontaneity into the busy schedule of someone with a full-time job. 

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They believe that people with regular jobs often find it difficult to be flexible and adapt to spontaneous plans or unexpected trips. Image Credit: Getty

Destine emphasized her own spontaneity and the need for a partner who comprehends the fluctuating mental state of entrepreneurs like herself.

The podcast episode gained significant attention, with viewers expressing a wide range of reactions. 

Some people found the women's viewpoint perplexing, questioning the feasibility of finding a partner who doesn't have any form of employment. 

One commenter sarcastically asked, "How many rich dudes do they think there are in the world?" 

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What do you think of dating a man who has a job? Image Credit: Youtube

Another person humorously claimed to have met the women's standards by quitting all their jobs and living in a car while starting their own lemonade stands.

While the debate surrounding Trishonna and Destine's preferences continues, some argue that personal dating choices should not be a matter of concern for others. 

They believe that if a person's lifestyle and ambitions don't align with a potential partner's, it is perfectly acceptable to move on and find someone who better suits their needs.

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They believe in finding a partner whose lifestyle and goals align, even if it means moving on. Image Credit: Youtube

A Texas man has caused controversy by depending on his parents for seven years because he refuses to take on jobs he considers beneath him.

In an episode of Caleb Hammer's Financial Audit on YouTube, 41-year-old Brint Davy from Austin, Texas faced criticism for being unemployed, having no savings, and depending on his parents to cover his rent. 

He claims that he is unwilling to work a job that he considers beneath him.

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Texas man sparks controversy relying on parents for 7 years, refusing "beneath" jobs. Image Credit: Youtube

Brint Davy further disclosed that he is burdened with thousands of dollars in debt due to multiple payday loans. 

Despite his financial difficulties, he admitted to continuing to spend money on gambling activities and platforms such as Netflix and OnlyFans.

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Austin man, Brint Davy, was criticized on YouTube for relying on his parents, lacking savings, and being unemployed. Image Credit: X

Brint shared that his criminal history has been revealed through background checks conducted by other potential employers, further increasing his difficulties in finding employment.

Brint affirmed that, even though it is difficult, he will not do lowly jobs like a fast-food restaurant employee.

Tags: Woman man job work