15 Mysterious items leave people baffled seeking help from Internet

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On social media, many users are baffled after finding items in their house but lack any idea about their purpose. These objects, although small, can pack a big mystery.

From forgotten corners to deep pockets, unusual items can lurk where you least expect them.

They challenge our understanding of common items and their purposes.

Here, Wikiany.net delves into 15 unusual objects that have stumped their finders, prompting them to turn to online communities for answers.

1. What is (the intended use of) this oddly shaped silver spoon?

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Image Credits: @meshaber/Reddit

Answer: Caddy spoon. 

2. Strange object from Tiffany’s mysteriously given to my wife by her grandmother while refusing to say what it was.

Probably bought in the 1930s or 1940s. About 10cm/4″ long. All she’d say was “she used it as a young woman but didn’t have much use for it nowadays”. Any ideas?

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Image Credits: @zsaleeba/Reddit

Answer: Tree Branch Muddler

3. A very weird baffle strike

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Image Credits: @Stinkykrinky4774/Reddit

Answer: Try dialing your scope first you’re hitting high right

4. I found this weird spoon thing at goodwill and it has baffled me the whole drive home.

Yes it’s a just spoon but, is this part of some wacky set? Is this just someone’s conglomeration of whatever they could find at home? I’m so confused.


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Image Credits: @Zeera1/Reddit

Answer: Bar tool set. Can’t get the link to work, but just google “Swank mid-century crown bar set in original box”

5.Local Wisconsin historical society does not really know if these are “egg things”

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Double ended, spoon-shaped item. Pen for scale.

Answer:Tablespoon on one side, teaspoon on the other. They’re measuring spoons.

6.“This came with a bike. It’s not on the instructions or parts list. It has a diameter of about 2 inches.”

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Image Credits: @daftydaftdaft / Reddit

Answer: “It’s a spoke wrench for adjusting the tension of your wheel spokes. The numbers correspond to the spoke sizes.”

7.Found on a beach in Cork, Ireland. Made of metal and roughly 17cm in diameter.

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Image Credits: @Uxenburg3r/ Reddit

Answer: Id suspect it is half of an old metal net float (search for “vintage UK metal fishing net float”) or an old fishing net weight of some sort. The metal floats ive seen are about 17-18cm diameter.

8. Stick with a handle, a small blade and a grate

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Image Credits: @Polluz/ Reddit

Answer: That is a Nordic Ski Pole

9.“This 1.5-foot by about 3-foot cubby in my friend’s new bedroom”

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Image Credits: @ricketycricket44 / Reddit
Answer: “Maybe it’s for a dog kennel.”

10.I’m baffled.

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Image Credits: @metroracerUK / Reddit

11.Sour sludge anyone? I am baffled…

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Image Credits: @Serpula/ Reddit

Answer: Oh yeah it’s definitely over-fermented! It’s just it’s doing that before rising much at all, which is very unusual. Usually I can get it to more than double before the sludge disaster occurs…

12.Victorian Mystery Object. Blunt and too big for a needle threader.

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Image Credits: @KittiRain / Reddit

Answer:It’s a bodkin. For threading ribbon, lacing corsets, etc.

13. “Extra piece of leather came with my loafer, also with a weird little chart I can’t decipher?”

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Image Credits: @boudicas_shield / Reddit


Answer: It is a small sample of the leather the shoes are made of. The chart says that the outside of the shoe is made of this leather. The inside of the shoe is both leather and synthetic material, and the sole is all synthetic material.

14. “Found in a charity shop in Margate, UK”

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