15 times product packages surpass expectations and deliver surprises

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Discover 15 times when product packages exceeded expectations and delivered delightful surprises, proving the real thing can surpass promise.

On many internet forums where people share “expectation vs. reality” pictures, disappointment is common.

Often, food packaging shows an appealing image, but the actual food inside doesn’t match up.

However, some people are lucky and discover that their food looks as great as the package promises.

Our Wikiany.net has collected 15 photos showing food that lives up to or even exceeds its packaging.

Let’s roll down and enjoy this album with us!

15 times product packages surpass expectations and deliver surprises

1. We wish all frozen cheesecakes looked like this.

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Image Credit: © Ashsoftpaws/Reddit

2. “First time this has happened to me.”

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Image Credit: © RPbbgun/Reddit

3. “I am very impressed. Tastes great too!”

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Image Credit: © de_ninja/Reddit

4. “Pleasantly surprised, the cream is the best part!”

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Image Credit: © de_ninja/Reddit

5. The result turned out to be just as good as they promised.

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Image Credit: © fs244c/Reddit

6. “Microwaved pasta kit did pretty good!”

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Image Credit: © noseworthy6/Reddit

7. Very close!

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Image Credit: © Myriii1911/Reddit

8. “For once a pizza that can be judged by its cover.”

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Image Credit: © madamelex/Reddit

9. “I got this ice cream bar from a store in Tokyo and it was exactly the same as in the picture. Plus it was delicious!”

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Image Credit: © laleli_lolu/Reddit

10. “It’s almost exactly the same.”

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Image Credit: © sunandsands/Reddit

11. “Not bad.”

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Image Credit: © Thehaloboy/Reddit

12. The chocolate swirls could be bigger, but looks really nice.

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Image Credit: © ILoveCatsSoMuchOkay/Reddit

13. No complaints!

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Image Credit: © bobebob/Reddit

14. The menu picture is lying, but we’re not disappointed.

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Image Credit: © ItzGonnaBeMei/Reddit

15. The real snowman may be not that perfect, but it surely looks charming.

15 times product packages surpass expectations and deliver surprises 1060
Image Credit: © GoToSleepJoker/Reddit

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