
50-year-old grandma furious at being called boyfriend's mother

Tuesday, 11/06/2024, 16:06 (GMT+7)

The 50-year-old grandma revealed that she's always being mistaken for her 22-year-old husband's mother when they appear in a crowd.

Marjorie McCool, a 50-year-old grandmother, is happily married to her 22-year-old husband, Jack Dodd. However, the couple frequently faces the awkward situation of being mistaken for mother and son.

Marjorie and Jack first met at a local bar five years ago, when Marjorie was 45 and Jack was just 17 years old.

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Marjorie, 50-year-old grandmother, is married to 22-year-old Jack. People often mistake them for mother and son. Image Credit: Hot Spot Media

50-year-old grandma expresses annoyance when being called 22-year-old husband’s mother

At the time, Marjorie thought Jack was 22, and the two quickly hit it off. Despite the large age gap, they formed a strong connection and decided to pursue a relationship.

Now, five years later, the couple is married and living a happy life together. However, they often encounter puzzled looks and intrusive questions from strangers who assume Marjorie is Jack's mother.

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Marjorie thought Jack was 22 when they met, and they clicked. Despite the age gap, they dated. Image Credit: Hot Spot Media

Marjorie often finds herself annoyed when people mistake her for her young-looking 22-year-old husband's mother. She firmly states that despite his youthful appearance, she is certainly not his mom.

The couple has learned to address these situations with humor and patience. 

When people mistake Marjorie for Jack's mother, they politely correct them, explaining that Marjorie is actually Jack's wife.

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Their families support the couple's love despite their huge age difference. Image Credit: Hot Spot Media

They understand that the age difference can be surprising, but they are adamant about not letting it define their relationship.

Despite the challenges, Marjorie and Jack are deeply in love and committed to each other. 

They are actively involved in each other's lives, with Marjorie supporting Jack in his studies and Jack providing Marjorie with companionship and affection.

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Marjorie revealed that she was frequently mistaken for her husband's mother. Image Credit: Hot Spot Media

The couple believes that their age difference is not a barrier to their happiness, but rather a testament to the power of love and mutual understanding.

Previously, an age-gap couple also captured the public's attention when declaring to have their first baby together.

Cheryl McGregor, a 61-year-old grandmother, and her 24-year-old husband Quran McCain have decided to use surrogacy to have their first child together. 

Despite their significant age gap of 37 years, the couple is pursuing this path to expand their family.

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Cheryl, 61, and her 24-year-old husband Quran will use surrogacy to have their first child. Image Credit: Jam Press

Cheryl and Quran met in 2012 when they worked at the fast-food place Dairy Queen. They did not get together until 2020. That's when their relationship grew. They got married in September 2021.

Cheryl has 7 children and 17 grandchildren from before. She wants to have a child with the Quran. But because of Cheryl's age, they can't have a baby naturally.

So they are looking for a surrogate. The surrogate will sign a contract not to be involved with the baby after it is born.

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They decided to get married in September 2021 after dating for a long time. Image credit: Jam Press

While they initially faced divided reactions from Cheryl's family, over time, 5 of her 7 children have come to accept and support their decision. 

Cheryl and Quran have also disregarded criticism for sharing their intimate relationship on social media, including the OnlyFans platform.