Experts say the Bible’s description of Jesus is inaccurate and reveal his true appearance

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Scholars argue that the Bible’s depiction of Jesus is highly inaccurate, as new research sheds light on what he may have actually looked like.

The common image of Jesus may be inaccurate

Many people imagine Jesus with long, flowing hair and a pale complexion. However, experts say this image is far from reality.

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Experts claim Jesus likely had short, curly black hair, brown skin, and wore simple clothing, not white robes. Image Credits: Getty


Jesus is one of the most recognized figures in Western culture. But historical evidence suggests he looked very different from modern portrayals.

Since cameras did not exist in 27–29 AD, historians rely on cultural and archaeological data to determine his true appearance.

Jesus likely had short, curly hair and a trimmed beard

Experts believe Jesus was ethnically Judean and likely resembled other men from the region now known as Palestine. He probably had brown skin, brown eyes, and short, curly black hair.

Joan Taylor, a professor at King’s College London, explains that men with long hair and beards often took religious vows.

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Early depictions of Jesus show him with short hair and a trimmed beard, unlike later portrayals with long hair. Image Credits: Getty


Since Jesus was accused of drinking wine, it is unlikely he followed such a vow.

Ancient paintings also support this idea. Artwork from a third-century Syrian church shows Jesus with short hair and a clean-shaven face.

Joan Taylor, a Christian origins professor at King’s College London, told the Daily Mail, saying, “To have long hair and a long beard signalled something in ancient Judaism – that you were keeping a special vow and not drinking wine.

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“Jesus was actually accused of drinking too much, so he was not keeping such a vow.”

Early images of Jesus reflect cultural influences

Historians note that artistic depictions of Jesus changed over time. In the first century, long hair on men was considered improper. By the fourth century, artists began portraying Jesus with long hair and a beard.

Dr. Meredith Warren, a religious studies expert, believes these depictions were influenced by Roman gods.

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Historians believe Jesus had a lean, fit body due to manual labor and travel but not exaggerated muscularity. Image Credits: Getty


Additionally, artists may have styled Jesus to resemble figures like Apollo and Zeus, reinforcing his divine image.

Jesus likely blended in with the crowd

The Bible suggests Jesus had an ordinary appearance. Judas had to identify him to Roman soldiers in a crowd. Mary Magdalene even mistook him for a gardener. These details imply he did not stand out visually.

Dr. Warren also notes that Jesus lived an active lifestyle.

He worked as a carpenter and traveled long distances, likely giving him a lean, muscular physique. While some portrayals exaggerate his strength, his fit appearance is not entirely inaccurate.

Jesus’ physique was likely lean, not bulky

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Image Credits: Getty


Historical records indicate that Jesus and his disciples relied on charity for food. Professor Taylor suggests he was likely wiry rather than heavily built.

His physical endurance was probably high, but he was not the overly muscular figure seen in some modern depictions.

Modern images of Jesus are shaped by centuries of artistic influence.

While, historians believe he had short, curly hair, brown skin, and an average build. His appearance likely reflected the people of his time, not the European-inspired depictions seen today.

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While some details of his image remain unknown, experts agree that traditional portrayals are largely inaccurate.

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