Americans struggling to use new roundabout for the first time

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Americans are struggling to navigate the new roundabout, facing a surprising learning curve as they adjust to the unfamiliar traffic patter.

The installation of a new roundabout in Rowan County, Kentucky, has left drivers feeling frustrated.

Video footage shows Americans navigating the roundabout for the first time, highlighting their confusion and difficulty with this unfamiliar road feature.

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Americans struggled with a new roundabout in Kentucky, leading to confusion and wrong turns.  Image Credits: Walker Construction/Youtube


Roundabouts in America: A rare sight

Roundabouts aren’t completely new in the U.S., but they’re much less common than in countries like the UK. For many Americans, driving through one can feel foreign and complex.

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Locals were upset, believing the previous four-way stop worked better than the new roundabout.  Image Credits: Walker Construction/Youtube


The Kentucky roundabout was intended to replace a traditional four-way stop, a familiar setup for most locals.

The roundabout chaos

Installed by Rowan County authorities, the roundabout quickly became a challenge for drivers.

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The roundabout was installed to improve safety, aiming to reduce crash severity at the intersection.  Image Credits: Walker Construction/Youtube


A video by Walker Construction captured cars taking incorrect exits and, at times, going the wrong direction around the roundabout.

For viewers, the footage looks almost like a comedy of errors as drivers struggle to navigate the circular junction.

 Local opinions: resistance to change

Some locals preferred the old four-way stop, believing it was effective enough for managing traffic.

In an interview with WYKT, local resident Jason Whisman expressed concerns, stating, “It’s going to throw them for a loop. A complete 360.”

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Footage of the chaotic attempts at navigating the roundabout went viral, shared for educational purposes.  Image Credits: Walker Construction/Youtube


Another driver was more optimistic, saying it would work well once drivers adapted.

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Safety reasons behind the roundabout

The roundabout was installed to improve safety at the intersection, which has a history of crashes.


According to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), roundabouts reduce crash severity by m

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Roundabouts are safer and greener, reducing crashes and emissions compared to traditional intersections. Image Credits: Walker Construction/Youtube

inimizing head-on or T-bone collisions. Studies from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety also show roundabouts decrease crashes by 38% and reduce serious injuries by 90%.

Benefits beyond safety

Roundabouts offer other advantages, too. They are greener, as they reduce the need for vehicles to stop and start frequently, leading to better fuel efficiency and lower emissions.

Educational video: Teaching drivers what not to do

Walker Construction shared the roundabout video to educate drivers on proper usage, hoping to reduce confusion. They aim to show that, while the roundabout may be challenging at first, proper navigation is possible with practice and patience.

A transport official told local news: “We’re looking at a way to reduce the severity of crashes that this intersection has a history of.”

This new Kentucky roundabout may be causing confusion now, but as drivers become familiar, it will likely lead to safer, smoother traffic flow. Change can be challenging, but with time, this roundabout could prove to be a valuable addition to Rowan County’s roads.


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