An animal expert is puzzled after a mysterious creature, dubbed the “Woyote dog,” was spotted on camera in the wild.
An unidentified canine-like creature captured on camera
In a surprising discovery, a mysterious canine-like creature was caught on camera roaming the wilds of the Midwest.
The sighting has left experts puzzled, as they attempt to identify the unique animal.
The Voyageurs Wolf Project is a conservation group based in northern Minnesota.

They shared details of the encounter on social media, raising questions among wildlife enthusiasts and scientists alike.
The creature possesses an unusual appearance
According to the Voyageurs Wolf Project, the creature looked “coyote-esque” but displayed certain dog-like features, particularly its ears.
The group also noted possible wolf-like traits, including a robust snout, larger than those typically seen on local coyotes.
The footage, which was first discovered last winter, captured the animal in Voyageurs National Park, located near the Canadian border.

The organization shared additional photos comparing the mysterious animal to the local wolves and coyotes found in the area.
These images confirmed that the animal did not resemble any coyote observed in the region and was unlikely to be a purebred wolf.
In an earlier post, the group suggested that the creature might share similarities with eastern coyotes found in other parts of North America.
However, they added, “The ears just look really funny to us.”
Animal expert baffled after spotting mysterious “Woyote dog” on camera
Voyageurs Wolf Project joked that the unknown animal could be the mythical “wyote dog,” a combination of wolf, coyote, and dog.
Despite their playful conjecture, the group acknowledged the challenges in identifying the creature definitively.

Thomas Gable, a project representative, admitted: “Ultimately, we won’t ever know for sure one way or another because the animal just passed through our area in winter,
and we haven’t seen it on any trail camera since then.
“That canine just doesn’t look like any other coyote we have observed in our area,” they emphasized.
“We cannot get a genetic sample or anything like that to tell one way or another.”
Experts also noted separately that there was no way they were look at a purebred wolf, either.

Social media reactions
The story sparked curiosity on social media, drawing in comments from both experts and amateur enthusiasts.
Users offered their own theories, with one suggesting the creature could be a new hybrid species they humorously named the “Yotedoodle.”
Woods wolf or in the red phase called a Red Wolf, one user guessed.
Not exactly a “mystery.” It’s a wolf-cayote hybrid. Usually created via artificial insemination because the two don’t interact like that naturally in the wild, the second user explained.
That’s a dog. It escaped from someone’s backyard. What genius is calling this something else. It looks like my neighbors barking canine, the third user commented.
It can be a mix of two species, another wrote.