A bride-to-be was shocked when her iPhone images showed two different reflections in a mirror, leaving her confused.
A bride-to-be named Tessa Coates recently experienced a strange moment while shopping for her wedding dress.
While trying on gowns, she took a picture using her iPhone that left her feeling quite unsettled.

iPhone images showing two different reflections in mirror
The photo revealed two different reflections of herself in the mirrors, which made her feel as if she had created a “glitch in the Matrix.”
In the image, one reflection showed Tesa with her arms relaxed at her sides.
The other reflection displayed her arms crossed in front of her stomach.
These mysterious photos caught her off guard, and she shared the picture on Instagram, expressing her confusion.

Tessa wrote a caption that described her experience, stating, “I went wedding dress shopping, and the fabric of reality crumbled.”
She emphasized that the image was real and not manipulated in any way.
“If you can’t see the problem, please keep looking and then you won’t be able to unsee it.”
She was freaked out and felt sick.
She said the strange reflections almost made her throw up on the street.
Her post quickly attracted attention, with many social media users reacting with surprise.

Some commenters found the situation amusing and strange.
They noted that her engagement announcement was uniquely highlighted by this mysterious image.
After sending the photos to her sister, Tessa learned that her sibling was equally baffled.
Apple Store staff explained the mystery of iPhone images
To get to the bottom of the mystery, Tessa visited an Apple Store for assistance.
There, she spoke with an employee named Roger, who explained that her iPhone might have taken a burst of images when her arms were moving.
This could have resulted in the unusual stitching of two photos into one.

Roger noted that this kind of occurrence was rare and that the situation was a one-in-a-million chance.
Tessa later shared that the iPhone’s technology could sometimes create unexpected results, especially when capturing images rapidly.
Social media reactions
On social media, many online users shared their amusement with the iPhone images.
I don’t care about the freaky different hand positions; but I have to say that wedding gown is gorgeous and she looks stunning in it, one user said.
I more noticed that her arms were in different positions in all the images – because that’s what they are – different pictures photoshopped together, the second user guessed.
If that is the worst that ever happens to her then she is very lucky, the third user commented.
Beyond the confusion and suspected mayhem, that’s a really pretty dress, another wrote.