Chilling reason why you should throw water bottle under the bed when checking into a hotel

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Throwing your water bottle under the bed in a hotel could help you uncover hidden cleaning habits or issues.

When you arrive at a hotel after a long trip, all you want is to relax and enjoy your stay.

However, taking a moment to ensure your safety is just as important as getting comfortable.

One unusual tip that some travelers recommend is to throw your water bottle under the bed when you check into your hotel room.

This practice may seem strange, but it serves a purpose.

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Check your hotel room’s safety by tossing a water bottle. Image Credit: Getty

Why should you throw a water bottle under the bed when checking into a hotel?

The main reason for tossing your water bottle under the bed is to check for any unwanted surprises.

Hotels are generally safe, but it is always wise to be cautious.

By throwing your water bottle, you can quickly see if it rolls out or stays in place.

If it rolls out easily, this usually means there is nothing hidden under the bed.

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Tossing a water bottle helps spot hidden objects or dangers. Image Credit: Getty

However, if it does not roll out, it could indicate that something is obstructing the way, prompting you to check further.

Check under the bed for hidden items.

The area under the bed can be a hiding spot for various things. Unfortunately, this can include items left behind by previous guests.

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Dust, hair, and food wrappers may accumulate under the bed if the hotel staff did not clean the room properly.

More concerning, it could also be a place where someone might hide. This could range from personal belongings to more dangerous items.

Safety should always be a priority when you stay in a hotel.

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Unseen items under the bed could indicate poor hotel cleaning. Image Credit: Getty

Checking under the bed can help you feel more secure in your surroundings.

If you do find something suspicious, like a hidden object or a person, you should leave the room immediately and inform hotel security.

Taking this precaution can help ensure you have a safe stay and avoid any uncomfortable situations.

What to do if you find something?

If you throw your water bottle under the bed and find something alarming, do not panic. Stay calm and quietly leave the room.

It is essential to notify the hotel staff or security about what you found.

They will take the necessary steps to address the situation. Your safety is the most important aspect of your hotel stay.

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If something alarming is found, calmly leave and notify security. Image Credit: Getty

Check the hotel’s cleanliness with a water bottle

Another reason to check under the bed is to verify the cleanliness of the hotel room.

If the area is dirty or cluttered, it may raise concerns about the overall hygiene of the room. A clean room is essential for your comfort and health.

If you notice that the hotel has not maintained cleanliness standards, you might want to consider asking for a room change or even finding a different hotel.

A simple habit to develop

Esther, a flight attendant for a European airline, shared her experience with this habit.

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Image Credit: Getty

She explained that she always throws a water bottle under the bed as a proactive measure.

This simple action allows her to quickly assess the situation.

If the bottle does not roll out, she knows to check under the bed herself or ask someone else to do so. This habit can be easily adopted by anyone who travels.

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