Couple left in panic after CCTV capturing a ghost walking dog in their home

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A couple was startled after discovering footage showing what they believed to be a ghost walking their dog.

A couple from Australia has shared a chilling experience after discovering what they believe to be a ghost in their home. 

The incident was captured on their CCTV camera, and the footage has left them and many viewers alarmed.

A couple discovered a ghost walking their dog on a CCTV camera

Matthew Kane and his wife, Lauren, reviewed footage from their motion-sensor camera when they stumbled upon the eerie clip. 

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Australian couple shocked by footage of possible ghostly family member. Image Credit: Matthew Kane

Matthew, a 35-year-old construction manager, was relaxing in bed while Lauren was scrolling through the videos. 

Suddenly, Lauren noticed something unusual in the footage from January 14.

The video shows a pale figure emerging from an antique cabinet in their home, just before their Australian shepherd dog appears. 

The figure seems to walk purposefully, and then it disappears from view. 

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Image Credit: Matthew Kane

The couple described the moment as terrifying, especially when Matthew first saw the footage. 

He recalled, “The look of terror that came over my face when she showed me what was going on in the room next to us.”

The footage shows a mysterious ghost walking the dog.

In the footage, the figure appears to have a round head and leaves a trail of light behind it as it walks

Matthew noted that it seemed to be on a mission, moving with intent. 

See also  Eerie security camera footage captures mysterious apparition

He remarked, “You can almost see the arms swinging.” 

The couple’s dog did not react during the incident, which further fueled their belief that the figure might be a family member who had passed away.

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Ghostly figure seen walking the couple’s dog in eerie footage. Image Credit: Matthew Kane

Matthew explained that their antique cabinet contains various items from deceased relatives, including ashes in urns. 

He speculated that the spirit could have come from there. He found it hard to dismiss what they saw despite looking for a logical explanation. 

Matthew admitted, “Usually, I’m skeptical, but I feel differently about this because I just can’t explain it.”

Matthew described the alleged apparition: “It has a perfectly round head and leaves a trail of light behind it. 

It walks like it’s on a mission like it wants to get somewhere. You can almost see the arms swinging.”

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Mysterious figure leaves light trail while walking with intent. Image Credit: Matthew Kane

Reactions to the video

After uploading the footage online, the couple received a lot of attention. 

Many viewers shared their thoughts and feelings about the video. Some believed it was genuine evidence of a ghost sighting. 

It’s just a distorted image of the dog walking under the table. They move at the same rate, one user said.

Someone is walking by the window.

Bet that all you see is the mirroring of the window were the camera is pointed at!! The second user wrote.

Spooky, this id not go down to that room at night never again, the third user commented.

Well at least it’s a useful ghost. Not some freeloader who “lives” there and doesn’t contribute to anything! 

I’m still trying to get mine to pay rent or move into the light, another user said.

See also  Security camera captures ghost flying past restaurant leading to police intervention

It doesn’t look like a ghost to me. I do believe in spirits but I don’t think one was captured here. 

It just looks like a bad quality camera that while in night vision mode it doesn’t pick up as well. I hope I’m wrong, someone wrote.

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He speculated that the spirit could be their deceased relatives. Image Credit: Matthew Kane


The couple shared their thoughts on the eerie footage.

Matthew and Lauren have been reflecting on their experience since discovering the footage. 

Matthew mentioned that the incident has made them think about the possibility of otherworldly beings. 

He stated, “I think it’s really got us thinking and wondering what else is out there.” 

Despite their fear, he also expressed a desire to return to normal life, saying, “Once this dies down, I’ll be quite happy to get back to pretending that only things I can see and feel are real.”

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