
Couple shares public kiss despite 31-Year age gap, declaring not to be bothered by haters

Tuesday, 11/06/2024, 16:00 (GMT+7)

Despite the huge age difference, the couple declared not to be bothered by any judgment aimed at them.

Despite facing many judgmental stares and negative reactions from others, Marjorie, 33, and Mark Jensen, 64, remain completely unbothered by the 31-year age gap in their relationship.

Marjorie and Mark are a happily married couple who live on a 40-foot sailing boat and travel the world together. Despite their 31-year age gap, they say the difference in their ages doesn't matter to them at all.

Couple shares public kiss despite 31-Year age gap, declaring not to be bothered by haters 1
Marjorie, 33, and Mark Jensen, 64, ignore the 31-year age gap that others criticize in their relationship. Image Credit: PA Real Life

31-year age gap couple slammed after kissing in public, declaring not to be bothered by haters

The couple first met in 2019 in the north of France through a mutual friend. At the time, Marjorie was 28 and Mark was 59.

They say they received some "shocked" reactions when they started kissing in public, given the significant age difference.

Couple shares public kiss despite 31-Year age gap, declaring not to be bothered by haters 2
Marjorie, 33, and Mark, 64, happily travel the world on their sailboat, unfazed by their 31-year age difference. Image Credit: PA Real Life

Marjorie's family also had some "problems" accepting their relationship at first, as Mark is even a year older than Marjorie's own mother.

Marjorie and Mark, a couple with a 31-year age gap, insist that they are perfectly suited for each other. They say they are in total harmony and everything works together between them, as they like the same things in the same way. 

Couple shares public kiss despite 31-Year age gap, declaring not to be bothered by haters 3
Marjorie's family initially struggled to accept her relationship with Mark, who is even older than Marjorie's own mother. Image Credit: PA Real Life

The couple ignored any judgment aimed at them and focused on their happiness.

The significant age difference does not seem to bother them, as they are focused on enjoying their globetrotting lifestyle and adventures together on their sailboat. 

Despite sometimes receiving strange looks from people when displaying affection in public, the couple remains unconcerned with the opinions of others, content to simply live out their dreams side by side.

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Marjorie and Mark received shocked reactions when displaying affection in public due to their age gap. Image Credit: PA Real Life

Mark, who retired at age 48 after a career as a writer, producer, and director, purchased the couple's sailing boat after meeting Marjorie. Meanwhile, Marjorie, who used to work for the French government, took a sabbatical to join Mark on their globetrotting adventures.

The pair say they currently reside in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, after sailing from the Caribbean. Next year, they plan to journey across the Atlantic on their boat, before spending time in France and London.

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Mark retired at 48 and bought a sailboat to travel with Marjorie who took a sabbatical. Image Credit: PA Real Life

While the couple acknowledges they sometimes get strange looks from people when they display affection in public, they don't let it bother them.

In a similar case, a 23-year-old model is fiercely defending her relationship with her 62-year-old boyfriend. 

The couple formed their relationship just one hour after meeting on the dating app Tinder. They have faced criticism and judgment due to the 39-year age gap between them.

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Marjorie, 33, and Mark, 62, met on Tinder and faced criticism over their 39-year age gap. Image Credit: Instagram

Willow, the young model, emphasizes that when she first met David, a real estate developer, she was not concerned about his wealth or status. They simply had an "unbelievable connection."

Despite the significant age difference, Willow and David believe their relationship is something special.

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Willow, 23, and David, 62, faced insults, but their families supported their happy relationship. Image Credit: Instagram

The couple has faced harsh comments, with Willow being called a "gold digger" and David accused of being a "sugar daddy." However, their families have been supportive. Willow's mother even said she's never seen her daughter as happy.