Elon Musk might be in real trouble if his space-launched Tesla Roadster crashes back into Earth

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Elon Musk’s space-launched Tesla Roadster could crash back to Earth, causing concerns about potential problems and its possible impact.

In February 2018, Elon Musk launched his personal Tesla Roadster into space.

This was part of a test flight for SpaceX. Musk thought it would be a fun and silly idea.

He wanted to use something unusual as a dummy payload for the rocket.

The Roadster is now floating in space, with a mannequin dressed as an astronaut in the driver’s seat.

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Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster floats in space, raising concerns about its return. Image Credit: SpaceX

Elon Musk launches Tesla Roadster into space by SpaceX rocket

The Tesla Roadster was attached to a SpaceX rocket.

During the launch, Musk had only a 50% chance of success.

However, the launch went well, and the Roadster is still out there, traveling through space.

It is equipped with a copy of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in the glove box.

There is even a Hot Wheels version of the car on the dashboard.

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The Tesla Roadster was launched into space as a test payload. Image Credit: SpaceX

Currently, the Roadster is closer to the Sun than it is to Earth.

It travels at an impressive speed of 3,988 miles per hour.

But recently, an amateur astronomer spotted what looked like an asteroid moving close to Earth.

This object turned out to be Musk’s Tesla Roadster, which surprised many officials.

Elon Musk might be in real trouble if his space-launched Tesla Roadster crashes back into Earth

There is a possibility that the Roadster could crash back to Earth.

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While this chance is low—around 6%—it is still a concern.

If the car were to fall back to our planet, it could lead to legal issues for Musk.

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The Roadster moves at high speed, recently spotted near Earth. Image Credit: SpaceX

Dr. Thomas Cheney, a legal expert, explained that launching objects into space should be done responsibly.

He believes that such actions should not be based on the whims of wealthy individuals.

Musk could face legal issues if crashed.

If the Roadster were to crash into something on Earth and cause damage, Musk could face legal trouble.

However, proving fault would be complicated.

The laws regarding space debris and liability are not straightforward.

Cheney stated that the U.S. government is responsible for space object damage under the Liability Convention and Outer Space Treaty.

“Space is big, and the likelihood this causes issues beyond annoying people is minimal,

but launching things into outer space should be done responsibly and for clear-cut justifiable purposes, not on the whims of a billionaire.

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Experts warn of legal issues if the Tesla crashes down. Image Credit: SpaceX

“It should also have been a warning sign about what sort of person Mr. Musk is.”

To hold Musk liable, authorities would need to prove the Tesla was at fault.

This would be challenging because the context does not clearly define the term “fault.”

If someone suffered harm or property damage, they would have to take legal action against Musk and SpaceX.

This process could be lengthy and expensive.

The Roadster continues to float in space.

As of now, the Tesla Roadster continues to float in space.

It has become a symbol of Musk’s adventurous spirit and bold ideas.

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The car plays David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” on repeat, adding a quirky touch to its journey.

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The car continues its space journey, playing David Bowie’s song. Image Credit: SpaceX

Musk’s decision to send the Roadster into space has sparked discussions about the responsibilities that come with such actions.

Critics argue that launching personal items into space for fun is not appropriate.

They stress that space exploration should focus on serious scientific goals.


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