European Space Agency offers $5,300 to volunteers for 10 days of bed rest – with one catch

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The European Space Agency is offering volunteers $5,300 to stay in bed for 10 days as part of a research study. 

The European Space Agency is offering participants $5,300 to stay in bed for 10 days as part of a scientific study, but there’s a significant catch.

Getting paid to lie down sounds like a dream job. The European Space Agency (ESA) is making that dream a reality.

ESA’s Vivaldi III experiment simulates space conditions

european space agency offers $5,300 to volunteers for 10 days of bed rest - 19855
The European Space Agency (ESA) offers $5,300 to volunteers for a 10-day bed rest experiment. Image Credits: European Space Agency


The ESA is conducting an experiment called Vivaldi III. It aims to study how spaceflight affects the human body.

This research is taking place at the Medes Space Clinic in Toulouse, France.

Volunteers will spend 10 days lying in a specialized container. The setup mimics the weightlessness astronauts experience in space.

Participants will experience simulated weightlessness

According to ESA, participants will lie in tub-like containers covered with waterproof fabric. This setup keeps them dry while suspending them in water.

european space agency offers $5,300 to volunteers for 10 days of bed rest - 19854
The Vivaldi III study simulates astronaut conditions by suspending participants in water-filled containers. Image Credits: European Space Agency


The agency explained that their upper body remains above water.

ESA explained: “During Vivaldi III, 10 volunteers lie down in containers similar to bathtubs covered with a waterproof fabric. This keeps them dry and evenly suspended in water.”

This creates a floating sensation similar to what astronauts feel on the International Space Station.

The agency continued: “Submerged to above the torso and keeping arms and head above water, participants experience a sensation of floating without physical support – something close to what astronauts feel while on the International Space Station”, the agency added.

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Strict sonditions and unusual bathroom breaks

european space agency offers $5,300 to volunteers for 10 days of bed rest - 19852
Volunteers stay at a space clinic for 21 days, with bathroom breaks requiring a trolley to maintain position. Image Credits: European Space Agency


The experiment may sound easy, but there are strict conditions. One major challenge is bathroom use.

Participants cannot stand up during the experiment. Instead, they are moved on a trolley while maintaining a lying position.

They explained: “For bathroom breaks, participants are temporarily transferred onto a trolley, maintaining their laid-back position at all times.”

Volunteers must stay in the clinic for 21 days

Additionally, the study requires a total commitment of 21 days. This includes pre- and post-experiment evaluations.

Although participants cannot receive visitors, they are allowed phone and video calls.

european space agency offers $5,300 to volunteers for 10 days of bed rest - 19853
 Image Credits: European Space Agency


“You can contact [your loved ones] as much as you like (as long as it fits into your schedule),” Medes explained in an FAQ. “You can make phone or video calls. However, you will not be able to receive visitors.”

For completing the experiment, participants will receive $5,300. The payment compensates for their time and any discomfort.

The Vivaldi III experiment offers a rare chance to contribute to space research while earning money.

Would you be willing to stay in bed for science?

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