Flight attendant explains reasons you should never order Diet Coke on flights

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A flight attendant explains the reasons passengers should think twice before ordering Diet Coke on airplanes. It might surprise you!

Have you ever wondered why some flight attendants seem to dislike serving Diet Coke?

A recent TikTok video by a flight attendant has shed light on this common airline beverage and its unique challenges in the air.

While many passengers enjoy Diet Coke, there are a few reasons why it may not be the best choice when flying.

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Image Credit: Getty

Why you should avoid ordering Diet Coke on flights?

Diet Coke fizzes too much when poured.

One of the main reasons flight attendants dislike serving Diet Coke is due to the way it fizzes when poured.

Unlike regular Coke, which settles quickly, Diet Coke tends to fizz more and takes longer to become manageable.

This difference can create a messy situation, especially when flight attendants are trying to serve multiple passengers at once.

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It is the most frustrating drink to serve onboard. Ariel Cisneros/Instagram

In a confined space like an airplane, any delays can disrupt the flow of service and frustrate both the crew and passengers.

Another factor to consider is the altitude.

At higher elevations, the pressure changes affect carbonated drinks.

This means that when passengers are at cruising altitude, it can fizz even more than it does on the ground.

For flight attendants, this means they have to be extra careful when pouring, as the rapid fizzing can lead to spills and messes.

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In a confined space like an airplane, this can be quite inconvenient.

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Higher altitude causes carbonated drinks to fizz more onboard. Image Credit: Ariel Cisneros/Instagram

Passengers might wonder why they occasionally receive a can of Diet Coke instead of having it poured into a cap with ice.

This is often a practical decision.

By giving passengers the can, flight attendants can avoid the hassle of pouring a drink that may take longer and create a mess.

This way, passengers can pour their own drinks at their own pace.

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Image Credit: Ariel Cisneros/Instagram

Diet Coke fizzes more due to ingredients.

The difference in fizz between Diet Coke and regular Coke comes down to the ingredients.

Regular Coke contains sugar, which allows for larger bubbles that pop quickly.

In contrast, Diet Coke has artificial sweeteners, leading to smaller, stronger bubbles that take longer to settle.

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Regular Coke makes larger bubbles, while Diet Coke’s bubbles are smaller and last longer. Image Credit: Getty

Social media reactions

Some people may find it surprising that a flight attendant would have a preference for drink orders.

However, small annoyances can add up during a long flight.

Flight attendants are there to ensure a smooth experience for everyone, and minimizing complications helps them do their job more efficiently.

Opting for a regular soda could lead to quicker service and less fuss, making your journey more enjoyable.

Just give me the can? I can pour it myself, one user said.

It’s there job, dolly trolleys. On flight service, is a way for the airline take money, the second user commented.

I wouldn’t buy one anyway as you need a bank loan to buy it.!!!!! The third user said.

I would be more concerned with the chemical nasties you are drinking, another wrote.

Won’t change my preference….particularly on longer flights when flight attendants do things for 90% of the flight, someone wrote.

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