Footage captures mysterious pale creature causes sleepless nights

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a viral moment showing a mysterious pale creature, which gained attention.

Strange sighting sparks online debate

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A mysterious pale figure caught on security footage near Morehead, Kentucky sparked online debates. Image Credits: @ParanormalityM/X


A mysterious pale figure appeared on security footage, igniting heated discussions among paranormal enthusiasts and skeptics online.

The video, recorded near Morehead, Kentucky, shows a slender, white figure moving near a car in someone’s yard. Despite its eerie, human-like features, the figure appears hunched and distorted, adding to the mystery.

Footage causes sleepless nights

The video quickly went viral, drawing comparisons to scenes from Stranger Things or Harry Potter.

Paranormality Magazine shared the clip, and it gained over 250,000 views, thousands of likes, and countless comments. Many viewers admitted the footage left them unnerved and questioning what they had seen.

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The eerie footage went viral and leaving many viewers unnerved. Image Credits: @ParanormalityM/X


Online users offered various theories on social media

Many viewers shared their reactions in the comments, with opinions varying widely.

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Paranormality Magazine called the footage likely a prank, but some researchers wanted to investigate further. Image Credits: @ParanormalityM/X


Some dismissed the video as fake due to inconsistencies, while others embraced the mystery, saying such sightings inspire imagination.

One asked: Is this a video of a screen showing the recording, not the original footage?

A paranormal researcher asked for the exact location, hoping to investigate further.

Another speculated the figure could be a person in a black suit, visible due to infrared imaging.

A user noted: It’s amazing how more cameras reveal so much. Win-win!


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Social media users speculated on the figure’s origin, suggesting hoaxes, infrared tricks, or paranormal activity. Image Credits: @ParanormalityM/X

Paranormality Magazine responded to some comments, expressing disappointment and suggesting it might just be a prank.

One user even commented, “This is clearly just somebody messing around.”

This isn’t the first time strange creatures have been caught on camera.

A Texas man named Michael ‘Dumas’ Demel has captured widespread attention online after his trail camera recorded an enigmatic creature, sparking intrigue and debate.

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Similar sightings include a Texas man capturing an unknown creature on his trail camera, stirring chupacabra theories.


While monitoring wildlife in various hunting areas through his three trail cameras, Demel discovered an unusual image that puzzled him. Accustomed to seeing animals like deer, raccoons, and bobcats, he was shocked to find a creature he couldn’t identify. Upon zooming into the picture, he initially thought it resembled a monkey. However, after further examination, he realized it didn’t align with any known species.

“I check over 100 photos a day from my cameras, but this was the only one with that creature,” Demel shared. “At first, I thought it was a monkey, but something just didn’t look right.”

The mysterious image has prompted various theories from viewers.

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Texas man captured a mysterious ‘skin-walker’ and ‘chupacabra’ by trailcam


Some believe it could be an alien, while others think it resembles a ‘skin-walker’—a mythical witch capable of shapeshifting.

However, the most popular theory suggests it might be a chupacabra, a legendary creature in Latin American folklore known for draining the blood of livestock.

“You always hear stories about chupacabras in South Texas. The craziest theory was a skin-walker—I had to look that up myself,” Demel remarked, adding to the growing intrigue surrounding the discovery.

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