Hawk tuah girl video creators respond sharply after she avoids thanking them

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Hawk Tuah girl explains her decision never to say ‘thank you’ to video creators and shares their reactions.

Haliey Welch, famously known as “Hawk Tuah Girl,” has become an internet sensation.

However, her rise to fame has sparked controversy with Tim & Dee TV, the creators who first shared the video that brought her into the spotlight.

Presently, hawk tuah girl sparks a viral debate between content creators and fame.

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Hailey Welch, aka “Hawk Tuah girl,” gained fame from a viral video by creators Tim & Dee TV. Image Credits: Tim & Dee TV/Youtube.


How Haliey Welch became Hawk Tuah girl

Haliey Welch earned her nickname from a viral video by Tim & Dee TV, a content-creating duo. In the clip, she was asked, “What’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time?”

Her playful response, “You gotta give ’em that ‘hawk tuah’ and spit on that thing,” went viral. The moment made her instantly recognizable online.

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The creators asked Hailey a viral question, leading to her fame and launching her podcast “Talk Tuah.” Image Credits: Getty


Haliey’s newfoud fame

The viral video propelled Haliey to global recognition. She has since launched her own podcast, Talk Tuah, and reportedly has a net worth of around $200,000.

Despite her success, Haliey expressed reluctance to thank Tim & Dee TV for their role in her rise

Haliey refuses to thahk Tim & Dee TV

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Hailey declined to thank the creators, citing their refusal to stop posting videos and blocking her online. Image Credits: Bobby Bones Show/Youtube


During an interview on The Bobby Bones Show, Haliey was asked if she planned to thank the creators.

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Her response was firm: “Tell him thank you for what?”

Haliey claimed she had asked the duo to stop posting videos of her, but they refused and even blocked her.

This, she said, eliminated any reason to express gratitude.

Tim & Dee Tv fire back at Haliey

The creators were quick to respond. On November 19, they shared a meme on Twitter mocking Haliey’s interview, captioned, “We changed this broke n**** life.” The post gained over 91,000 likes.

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The creators defended their actions, saying Hailey sought fame and wasn’t forced to participate. Image Credits:
Talk Tuah with Haliey Welch/Youtube


They defended themselves in replies, explaining that Haliey approached them first and approved the video’s release. “People be wanting their lil 15 min fame but now it’s a problem?” they wrote.

Content creators demand recongn tion

Tim & Dee TV insist they deserve credit for Haliey’s success.

Speaking to The New York Times, DeArius Marlow stated: “Nobody would know who she was if we didn’t bring it to light and post it.”

The duo also addressed assumptions that their platform only grew because of the clip.

“We already had a platform. People think we’re nobodies, but we’ve been creating content long before this,” Marlow said.

Communitys reaction to the debate

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Tim & Dee TV responded on Twitter, asserting they made her famous and calling out her remarks. Image Credits: Bobby Bones Show/Youtube


Social media users are divided. Some criticize Tim & Dee TV for their approach, while others argue Haliey owes them credit.

Additionally. the ongoing back-and-forth highlights the complicated dynamics of viral fame in today’s digital landscape.

One person said: Must not be doing to well if they need this engagement

A seocond wrote: The were trying to make money by interviewing drunk people hoping they would slip and say something stupd. It back fired and now they think they are entitled to her $$.

While a third commented: She shouldn’t. They were just trying to exploit her and it backfired.

Another added: All these people are so famous and so relevant that no names are mentioned.

Someone else said: Lmfao she went from being famous back to being nothing with that ungrateful attitude.

Haliey Welch’s journey from a viral clip to a recognized internet personality underscores the complex relationship between content creators and their subjects.

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The debate serves as a reminder of how fleeting fame often comes with controversy and differing perspectives.

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