iPhone user sues Apple for offering him LGBT+ themed tokens that changed his gender

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An iPhone user has taken legal action against Apple, alleging that his device influenced his sexual orientation without consent.

In a strange legal case, a man has decided to sue Apple.

He argues that his iPhone caused him to change his sexual orientation without his consent.

The man, who goes by the name D. Razumilov, filed this lawsuit after claiming that an app on his device led him to have same-sex relationships.

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Man sues Apple, claiming his iPhone changed his sexual orientation. Image Credit: Getty

iPhone user sues Apple for offering him LGBT+ themed tokens that changed his gender

Razumilov first filed his lawsuit in 2019, alleging that he suffered “moral suffering and harm to mental health” because of his iPhone.

He stated that the device tricked him into downloading a cryptocurrency app that, he claims, altered his sexuality.

This app reportedly offered “GayCoins,” which he interpreted as a push toward exploring same-sex relationships.

In his complaint, Razumilov described how he received 69 GayCoins from an unknown sender after downloading the app.

The sender’s message encouraged him to “not judge without trying.”

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Razumilov files lawsuit against Apple, blaming iPhone for his change. Image Credit: Getty

This prompted Razumilov to question his previous beliefs about same-sex relationships.

He stated that he had never explored this aspect of his life before but felt compelled to do so after receiving the coins.

The iPhone user alleged device influenced his sexuality.

After engaging with the app and the GayCoins, Razumilov claimed that his life changed drastically.

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He described becoming “mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex.”

He expressed confusion about how to explain his new relationships to his parents and stated that his life would “never be normal again.”

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App allegedly caused man to explore same-sex relationships, says Razumilov. Image Credit: Getty

Razumilov argued that Apple was responsible for manipulating him into this new lifestyle.

He claims it caused him significant emotional distress.

He sought one million rubles, about $15,634, in damages from Apple, believing the company should be held accountable.

“I can say after the passage of two months that I’m mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex and can’t get out.

I have a steady boyfriend and I don’t know how to explain it to my parents.”

However, experts have pointed out that sexual orientation is not something that can be altered or influenced by an app or any device.

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Image Credit: Getty

Experts disagree with the iPhone user’s claims

Danny Zane, a therapist, consulted to better understand the situation.

He explained that there is no scientific basis for the claim that an app can change someone’s sexual orientation.

Zane noted that sexuality is a complex aspect of human identity, influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors.

According to the therapist, people usually develop their sexual orientation before adulthood.

Genetics, hormonal influences during prenatal development, and various environmental factors shape it.

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Experts argue that apps or devices cannot alter sexual orientation. Image Credit: Getty

Zane emphasized that external influences, such as apps or technology, cannot change a person’s sexual orientation.

“Sexuality is understood to be a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors, often established before adulthood and resistant to change through external influences.

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“Research indicates that sexual orientation is likely influenced by a combination of genetics, hormonal influences during prenatal development, and environmental factors, but it is not something that can be altered by an app or any external device.”

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