A tenant abandoned a flat, leaving behind 200 bottles of urine, bags of feces, and two years’ worth of trash.
A landlord in Devon has shared a shocking story about a tenant who left a flat in a horrifying condition.
After two years of living there, the tenant left behind piles of rubbish, including 200 bottles filled with urine and bags of feces.
This incident has raised serious concerns about tenant rights and responsibilities.
Landlord left shaken as tenant leaves bottles of urine and bags of waste after two years in flat
Jan Pringle, the landlord, tried to check on the property several times over the two years.
However, the tenant refused to allow any inspections.

After much effort, Jan finally managed to enter the flat, only to find it in a state that was beyond what he could have imagined.
When he opened the door, he found three feet of rubbish blocking the entrance.
Once inside, Jan described the situation as overwhelming.
He noted that the smell was unbearable and that he had to wear a mask and gloves to navigate through the mess.
‘As soon as the door opened, it felt like a rainforest because it was so humid’, Mr Pringle said.
‘We couldn’t push the door open because there was so much rubbish but when we did, I can’t describe the smell.
The flat was filled with trash, including takeaway food containers, empty bottles, and various other items that had been neglected over the years.
‘It’s like nothing I’ve ever smelled before. There were a couple of hundred bottles of wee and bags of poo and I could smell it.’

The living conditions
Jan revealed that the flat was so full of waste that it looked as if the tenant had been living on the sofa, surrounded by rubbish.
He mentioned there was only a small space on the couch where the tenant could sit and sleep.
This accumulation of garbage had likely been composting, creating a hazardous environment.
The landlord expressed his disbelief at the amount of waste left behind.
He stated, “If someone challenged me to make that much mess in two years, it would be difficult.”
The sheer volume of rubbish indicated that the tenant had not taken out the trash in a very long time.

Attempts to resolve the situation
Jan had originally signed a six-month lease with the tenant, which later turned into a rolling contract.
Throughout this time, he tried to check on the property every six months.
Unfortunately, the tenant’s refusal to grant access made it challenging for Jan to ensure the flat was being maintained properly.
Mr Pringle said: ‘He wouldn’t let us gain access. We’d usually check in every six months to make sure everything is ok.
‘We aren’t allowed to enter without permission unless there’s an emergency. I was scared to push too much.
Concerned about the tenant’s well-being, Jan reached out to welfare charities months ago.
He wanted to make sure the tenant was okay, but the charities informed him they could not intervene since the tenant had not requested help.

Jan took legal action to evict.
After exhausting all other options, Jan felt forced to take legal action for eviction.
He obtained a Section 21 notice, which is used in England to evict tenants.
This action was considered a last resort after all attempts to communicate with the tenant failed.
He added: ‘People say we are the bad guys. I want to get the point across that the private rental sector is providing a service because there aren’t enough houses.
‘I cant afford to sell. If I had one or two properties I probably would.’

Jan’s experience has left him questioning whether he wants to continue renting properties.
He owns several flats and has dealt with tenants in the past without any issues.
However, this incident has changed his outlook on the rental business.