Man angry as sibling tries to compete after they get engaged just days after his wedding

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A man is upset after his sibling got engaged just three days after his own wedding, feeling it’s a competition.

A man’s anger over his sibling getting engaged three days after his wedding has sparked online debate.

The incident has raised questions about timing and respect among family members during significant life events.

The man’s wedding preceded his sibling’s engagement announcement.

The man’s wedding took place at a beautiful destination, with a small ceremony attended by close family and friends. 

The event was meant to be a special day for him and his new spouse. 

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Man’s anger over sibling’s engagement sparks online debate about timing and respect. Image Credit: Getty

However, only three days later, his sibling announced their engagement, which took place at the nearby Grand Canyon. 

This close timing led the newlywed to feel that his sibling was trying to overshadow his special day.

The man reacted angrily to the engagement of his sibling

When the man learned about the engagement, he was not happy. 

Instead of congratulating his sibling, he reacted with hostility. 

He felt that the engagement was an attempt to compete with his wedding. 

According to him, it was inappropriate to propose so soon after another family member’s significant event. 

“It looks like you’re trying to compete. That is incredibly socially inept of him or both of you,” the man told his sibling, according to screenshots of the original post before it was edited.

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Man reacts angrily, feeling his wedding day was overshadowed. Image Credit: Getty

His reaction shows how emotional dynamics can shift during major life changes, especially in families. 

The newlywed felt that his moment was stolen by the announcement of the engagement.

“[She has] a past that was supposed to make everything about that wedding much more meaningful. 

EVERYONE knows that weddings are about the bride. 

He could’ve absolutely planned around it,” the man said of his brother’s fiancé. 

“Hellishly stupid and selfish. Trust me when I say I’m biting my f—— tongue right now.”

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Wedding ceremony leads to tension as sibling announces engagement just days later. Image Credit: Getty

The sibling intended no harm with engagement.

On the other hand, the sibling who got engaged did not intend to upset anyone. 

They simply wanted to share their happiness with the family. 

The engagement was planned as part of their extended trip, and they believed that announcing it shortly after the wedding would not be a big deal. 

However, they soon realized that their brother took it differently.

When the sibling reached out to explain their side, they expressed confusion about their brother’s anger. 

They believed there was enough space for everyone to celebrate their happiness. 

The sibling apologized, acknowledging their brother’s feelings and hoping to ease the tension.

“[I] explained that it was not our intent to encroach and just wanted to share the news with family and that it’s my belief that there’s room for happiness for everyone,” the sibling wrote. “She did not respond.”

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Sibling apologizes, hoping to ease tension after misunderstanding about engagement timing. Image Credit: Getty


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Tensions remained high despite the apology.

Despite the apology, the anger from the newlywed did not subside. 

He continued to feel that the engagement was inconsiderate. 

He mentioned that weddings are typically about the bride and that the timing could have been better planned. 

This ongoing conflict shows how family relationships can become strained due to misunderstandings and timing.

The public’s response to the situation was divided. 

Some commenters felt the sibling’s timing was inconsiderate and they should have waited longer to announce the engagement.

They pointed out that being engaged just days after a wedding could lead to feelings of jealousy or competition.

Conversely, other commenters argued that the newlywed should be happy for his sibling.

They believed that love should be celebrated regardless of timing. 

Sounds like his brother wanted to respect him by not doing it before or at his wedding and waited until his special time was over. 

3 days after the wedding means nothing lol, one user said.

Dude has serious issues. He thinks he’s the main character in life and doesn’t know how to be happy for his brother, the second user wrote.

Over sensative…Brother’s wedding gave him the courage to pop the question. Should be viewed as a compliment, the third user said.

But now maybe they can enjoy divorce together. It’s always easier when you have someone going through it with you who understands, another user said.

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