Man finds unsettling things after examining Sea Monkeys under microscope

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A man was left feeling uneasy after discovering eerie details about his Sea Monkeys when viewing them under a microscope.

A man recently had a disconcerting experience while inspecting his Sea Monkeys through a microscope.

Sea Monkeys, tiny aquatic creatures popular as pets, were put under scrutiny by YouTuber Picocosmos. 

As the creatures grew in their tanks, he observed gunk and algae forming at the tank’s base. 

This created a micro-ecosystem that provided food for the shrimp-like toy.

However, upon closer examination under the microscope, the man made an unsettling discovery. 

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Image Credit: Getty

Man finds unsettling things after examining Sea Monkeys under microscope.

He found nematodes, minuscule parasitic roundworms commonly found worldwide, including underneath his Sea Monkey habitat. 

These nematodes usually become more active after around six months. 

They may even start fighting over mating within the tank.

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He discovered nematodes, tiny parasitic roundworms, under his Sea Monkey habitat. Image Credit: YouTube/Picocosmos

If people see two Sea Monkeys stuck together after this time, it’s usually a mating pair. 

Only one of them will have whiskers, and they are likely to have babies soon.

The dark background of Sea Monkey’s inventor’

One aspect that might give pause to Sea Monkey enthusiasts is the background of their inventor, Harold von Braunhut. 

He not only introduced Sea Monkeys as a fun toy for kids but also invented other quirky toys like X-Ray specs. 

He also created a card that grew hair in water and the ‘invisible goldfish,’ which was just an empty fishbowl with fish food.

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Braunhut’s darker legacy includes supporting the Ku Klux Klan and attending neo-Nazi gatherings. Image Credit: Getty

What adds a darker shade to the Sea Monkey legacy is Braunhut’s affiliation with white supremacist groups. 

He openly supported the Ku Klux Klan, purchased weapons for them, and participated in neo-Nazi gatherings without reservation.

Social media reactions

This discovery has sparked a lot of interest online. 

Many people are fascinated by the idea that something so small and seemingly simple could look so strange when viewed closely.

Some people are now curious to examine their own Sea Monkeys under a microscope to see what they might discover. 

Some people have said they would rather not know and prefer to keep their Sea Monkeys as they are, without looking at them closely.

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Man finds unsettling things after examining Sea Monkeys under microscope. Image Credit: YouTube/Picocosmos


They are just brine shrimp – I used to feed them to my Axolotls- you can buy them at the pet store and they don’t wear crowns, one user said.

I used to breed these to feed my fish. 

Eventually they all got moved in a 3 gallon tank and they flourished and bred even more, the second user said.

I had sea monkeys back when I was 13. 

They’re just some kind of small aquatic arthropods,I don’t see what’s creepy about them, the third user commented.

I used to buy Sea Monkeys out of the back of my comic books, another wrote.

I’ve got two unopened ones here I haven’t even started them yet, someone said.

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