Man jumps into the ocean as soon as girlfriend asks for his phone password

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A man took bold action to avoid sharing his phone password with his girlfriend, jumping into the ocean as soon as she asked for it.

The man and his girlfriend were approached by police

In a bizarre incident that occurred earlier this week in Florida, a man went to extreme lengths to avoid giving his girlfriend his phone password.

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A man jumps into the water to avoid sharing his phone password with his girlfriend. Image Credit: YouTube

The confrontation unfolded as the couple was out on the water when they were approached by two officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC).

The officers had initially been searching for a different boat but noticed some code violations on the couple’s vessel.

They proceeded to question the pair, who did not have any identification on them.

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Officers initially sought another boat but found code violations on the couple’s vessel, questioning them without IDs. Image Credit: YouTube

The man had strange behaviors

The man, identified only as AJ, became increasingly agitated as the officers continued to interrogate them.

At one point, AJ asked the officers if they had a ‘warrant’ and whether he would be free to leave.

When the officers replied that he would not be allowed to leave, AJ made a desperate move.

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AJ grew more upset as officers questioned them further. Image Credit: YouTube

He asked what would happen if he were to “jump in the water and swim away.”

The officer swiftly responded, “I’m going to follow you. I’m telling you, you’re not free to leave.”

Man jumps into water to avoid sharing phone password with his girlfriend

AJ’s girlfriend then tried to ask if she could take AJ’s phone to call his boss and get help.

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However, when she asked AJ for his phone password, he point-blank refused to provide it.

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Girlfriend asked to use his phone to call for help, but he refused to give her the password. Image Credit: YouTube

As the officers got closer, AJ made a bold move. He jumped right into the ocean. It seemed like he was trying to get away from the cops.

His girlfriend was distraught, shouting “We are done after this, I’m telling you. I’m leaving!” as she watched AJ swimming away.

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Seeing the officers approach, AJ suddenly jumped into the ocean, apparently trying to escape. Image Credit: YouTube

But the man’s plan to escape in the water didn’t work. The officers slowly followed him back to land. They were able to catch him and put him in handcuffs.

It remains unclear exactly what AJ was trying to hide on his phone, but his bold actions suggest he was willing to go to great lengths to keep his girlfriend from accessing its contents.

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AJ’s water escape plan failed. Officers followed him to shore, caught him, and handcuffed him. Image Credit: YouTube

Social media reaction

Footage from the officers’ body cameras has been shared online. It has left people very confused by AJ’s extreme reaction.

Be truthful and transparent or risk being eating by a shark … yeah ok, one user said.

if you gunna act like that just be honest when you get with people, you dont wanna be monogamous , be open be poly its a thing now, the second user said.

The male abuser got jealous, the third user commented.

I wouldn’t give it to my ex either, someone shared.

Don’t push him about it, then. You already know what you need to know. Just dump him and find someone you can trust, another wrote.


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