Mom-of-12 shares monthly food costs and challenges of raising large family

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A mother of twelve reveals her monthly food expenses and the challenges she faces while raising a large family.

Mom-of-12 shares monthly food costs and challenges of raising large family

Lisa Tanner, a mother of 12 from Missouri, sheds light on the daily realities of managing a bustling household.

The oldest child, Jayme, is 22 years old. After her, there are Owen at 18, Jeffrey at 15, Ellie at 14, Sydney at 12, and Simon at 11.

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Mom-of-12 shares monthly food costs and challenges of raising large family. Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

In the younger group, there are Brynna at nine, Bryson at seven, Tyler at five, Ezra at three, and little Sally, who is 20 months old.

Additionally, another baby is expected to join the family in February.

With children ranging in age from early twenties to toddlers, Lisa and her husband Bryan navigate through a whirlwind of activities each day.

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Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

One of the primary hurdles they face is the staggering amount spent on groceries monthly.

With a brood that size, the family allocates around $1,600 to ensure everyone is well-fed.

From meal planning to grocery shopping, Lisa’s routine revolves around keeping tummies full and taste buds satisfied.

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She explained: ‘There’s never a dull moment. Of course life is busy and there’s always a lot going on – especially as the kids are getting older.

However, it’s comprised of so many little moments I wouldn’t change for anything.”

“My life is full of love, and my kids have taught me so much,” Lisa added.

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A major challenge is the high monthly grocery expenses. Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

In addition to the financial aspect, the logistics of managing a large family can be overwhelming.

Lisa, who homeschools eight of her children, starts her day bright and early at 6.30 am.

Balancing teaching, cooking, cleaning, and freelance writing keeps her on her toes from dawn till dusk.

Lisa explained: ‘We have things pretty streamlined, and I try to keep life running as smoothly as possible – chaos is so overwhelming for everyone!

Creating structure is key to maintaining order in their bustling household.

Annual meal plans and chore charts streamline tasks and reduce decision-making, allowing for smoother days.

Cooking in bulk and involving the kids in household chores are strategies that help keep chaos at bay.

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Managing a large family involves overwhelming logistical challenges. Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

“I try to limit my time in the kitchen to about 30 active minutes for each meal – the Crockpot, oven, and InstantPot will likely be running for longer, though,” she revealed.

Laundry is a never-ending task in the Tanner household.

To avoid the dreaded laundry buildup, they wash, fold, and put away four to five loads daily.

‘Cleaning actually takes less time than it used to.

The kids all have chores and help with regular cleaning, and it’s amazing how clean we can get our house in an “all-hands-on-deck” 15-minute quick clean.

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“We do at least one of those before dinner each day, and occasionally, one earlier in the day as well, if it’s needed or we have company coming or something.”

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Establishing structure is essential for order in their household. Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

Each day unfolds with a rhythm of its own, starting with work, school, and household chores before transitioning to family time and meal preparation.

Evenings are reserved for quality family time, where they come together over dinner and unwind after a busy day.

As the night draws near, bedtime routines for the little ones are followed by some quiet work time for Lisa before she calls it a day.

Lisa expressed joy in raising her large family

While exhaustion can creep in, Lisa’s focus remains on the joy of raising her children and witnessing their unique personalities blossom.

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Image Credit: Lisa Tanner

She said: “I do get tired, [but] I focus on the positive and remember why I’m doing it.

“I love seeing all the different personalities develop as my kids grow,” she added.

‘We try hard to nurture their individual talents and interests, and I can’t wait to see what the future will hold for them all,” Lisa said.

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