Mother threatens to sue her kids’ school cafeteria after witnessing harm done to her child

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The controversy arose after the mom expressed disappointment with the kids’ school cafete served to her child for lunch.

The controversy between the mom and the representative of the school.

On the TikTok platform, there is a video showing their hamburger, and screenshots of an exchange between their mom. While, a representative of their school.

mother threatens to sue her kids school cafeteria after witnessing harm do 3894
The controversy arose on social media after the mom expressed disappointment with the burger patty served to her child for lunch. Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


The video was shared by the TikTok account @thatscrazy_64 and quickly went viral on social media.

The video has the caption: “this is your sign to stop eating school lunches.”

In the footage, the mother shows the hamburger that was served to her son at the school cafeteria. While, she described the burger patty’s quality as having a “foul smell and unpleasant texture.”

She expressed concern not only for her child’s lunch experience but also for the potential impact on other students who were served the meal.

“This incident not only affected my child’s student’s lunch experience but raises concerns about the amount of students who unknowingly ate this very lunch,” the email reads.” She added.

The video went viral on social media.

mother threatens to sue her kids school cafeteria after witnessing harm do 3893
The mom described the burger patty’s quality as having a foul smell and an unpleasant texture. Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


In the coment, numerous viewers were shocked after seeing the disgusting burger.

Several people criticized the school cafeteria for serving such disgusting food to the students. While others mentioned that they would never let their child eat it again.

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One person said: The fact that not many are aware of barnacle burger, they should’ve not served it to prevent issues.

And, a second wrote: People with trypophobia. When I tell y’all my jaw dropped, it dropped bro.

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In the video, the mother expresses concern not only for her child’s lunch experience but also for other students. Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


While, another added: burger is supposed to look like that, it’s a type of burger that has a grid pattern in it and it allows juices to escape. totally normal, totally safe.

“The look of the burger itself is sickening, and I will be taking legal action,” the email read. While, the mom emphasized the need for food regulations to ensure that the school’s meals meet the necessary standards of quality, freshness, and safety. She concluded by stating her intention to pursue the matter in court.

Additionally, mother showed how the school responded to the incident.

In the footage, the text overplays the screen, and reads:

The mom’s response:

On 12/12, during lunchtime, I discovered a burger patty in my child’s meal that was inedible and appeared to be one of the most disgusting food items. I have ever seen served anywhere. The patty had a foul smell and an unpleasant texture, and the burger looked like it was made out of rubber. This raised serious concerns for me as a parent.

Additionally, this incident not only affected my child’s or student’s lunch experience but also raised concerns about the number of students who, unknowing ATE THIS VERY LUNCH.

As a parent, there is absolutely NO REASON why anyone should be served such a thing.

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The video has the caption: this is what schools are feeding us… Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


The look of the burger itself is sickening and I will BE PRESSING CHARGES. Due to the lack of food regulations being put in place,. I believe it is crucial to ensure that the food provided in our school meets the necessary standards of quality, freshness, and safety. I look forward to speaking with you in court.

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The school responded to the mom’s complaints in the subsequent photo.

They had received several similar complaints, no action would be taken in response.

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The video showed the exchange between the mom and the school representative. Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


The post read:

I’m sorry to hear about your student’s bad lunch experience. Many complaints have been sent to us about issues with the food being served.

Although there is a slight discoloration in the meat, it is still edible.

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Some criticized the school cafeteria for serving such disgusting food.Image Credits: @thatscrazy_64/Tiktok


If you or your daughter have an issue with the lunch being served, don’t eat it. Packing a lunch is still an option.

The TikTok video sparked divided opinions among users.

While, the contentious video continues to generate discussions on TikTok, showcasing the contrasting perspectives on the incident.

Some defended the school, asserting that the burger’s appearance was due to air bubbles formed during cooking.  Additionally it was a common occurrence with frozen or patterned burgers.

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