
NASA fired scientist for refusing to destroy evidence of ancient alien civilizations found on moon

Monday, 10/06/2024, 14:12 (GMT+7)

A former NASA employee says the agency is hiding proof of ancient alien cities on the moon from the public.

In a recent revelation, a former NASA scientist has come forward with claims of a massive coverup within the agency.

Ken Johnston, a former Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilot, alleges that he was ordered to destroy photographic evidence of ancient alien structures on the surface of the moon.

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A former NASA scientist claims the agency covered up evidence of ancient alien structures on the moon. Image Credit: NASA

Astronauts found signals of alien civilizations in The Apollo program to the Moon.

The Apollo program, launched by the US in 1961 and concluded in 1972, continues to be hidden in mystery for several reasons.

While the majority agree the program successfully landed groups of men on the moon six times between 1968 and 1972, some question the reports of what the astronauts encountered there.

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It was believed that Apollo program astronauts found ancient alien civilization on the Moon. Image Credit: Getty

Ken Johnston, a former NASA Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilot, is credited with training Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins - the first two of whom walked on the lunar surface.

After the Apollo 11 mission, Johnston was placed in charge of managing all the data and photographs from NASA's lunar expeditions.

NASA scientist spotted evidence of ancient alien civilizations found on the moon through photographs from the Apollo missions.

Johnston, who was tasked with documenting and cataloging the photographs from the Apollo missions, claims he stumbled upon a series of images that displayed anomalous structures and artifacts.

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A NASA worker says the agency hid evidence of ancient alien civilizations spotted on Apollo photos. Image Credit: Getty

He said the pictures had elements in them that were unexplainable. It looked like something had been covered up or hidden, even before the days of Photoshop.

According to Johnston, his superiors at NASA instructed him to destroy the incriminating photographs. 

He was in charge of photographing and documenting their exact location, but one day his boss ordered him to destroy these images.

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The scientist claims superiors ordered him to destroy photos showing evidence of ancient aliens on the moon. Image Credit: Getty

The former NASA engineer believes that the agency has long been concealing the truth from the public, doctoring and censoring the footage and photographs that were eventually released.

In his book, "Ken's Moon!: Revealing The Dark Mission of NASA'," Johnston has shared some of the purported evidence he was ordered to destroy.

The images appear to show the ruins of various structures, hinting at the possibility of an ancient extraterrestrial presence on the lunar surface.

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Photos apparently showed ancient alien ruins on the moon, a NASA worker says. Image Credit: Getty

While Johnston's claims may seem far-fetched to some, he is not alone in his beliefs.

Many have long questioned the official narrative surrounding the Apollo program, with some accusing NASA of covering up evidence of alien life.

Despite the skepticism, Johnston remains confident in his beliefs. He believes NASA has been hiding evidence of an ancient alien civilization from the public, and he asserts that the truth needs to be revealed.

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Neil Armstrong once claimed that he found aliens during his Apollo program. Image Credit: NASA

Former NASA scientist's claims about ancient alien civilizations found on the Moon have captured the public's attention.

It's hard not to believe they're other life forms in the vast universe. We'd be naive to think we are the only one's, one user said.

It's arrogant to believe we are the only/ most intelligent lifeforms there are, the second user said.

If there really are aliens, why do they not appear in public? Are they shy and introverted people? The third user joked.

We are sre not the only ones here in the universe. But if we were exposed to this then all religions would be debunked so there is that, another wrote.