
Elon Musk claims to be an alien but everyone never believes his statement

Monday, 27/05/2024, 15:12 (GMT+7)

During an event, Musk admitted he was an alien, but nobody seemed to believe his claims.

Elon Musk, the famous tech entrepreneur and former CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, has made a surprising claim during a recent conference in Paris.

He boldly declared that he was an alien, but lamented that nobody believed him.

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Musk claims to be an alien, but no one believes him. Image Credit: Getty

Musk's revelation occurred at the VivaTech conference, a gathering of tech companies and innovators from around the world.

Elon Musk claims to be an alien but everyone never believes his statement

During the event, a host posed a question to Musk, asking if there were people who believed he was an alien.

In response, Musk laughed and said, "I am an alien, yes, I keep telling people I'm an alien. But nobody believes me."

Despite his wealth, success, and influence in the tech industry, it seems that Musk's assertion of extraterrestrial origins has been met with skepticism and disbelief.

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Musk's alien claim faces skepticism despite his wealth, success, and influence in the tech industry. Image Credit: Getty

Elon Musk was born in Transvaal, South Africa, in 1971. He is a citizen of multiple countries, including the United States and Canada,

During a remote webcam interview, he expressed that if he had experience of alien life, he would share it on Twitter, a social media platform he currently owns.

However, he quickly changed the topic and emphasized the urgent need to address the potential risks associated with AI. 

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Musk said if he encountered aliens, he'd share it on Twitter, the platform he owns. Image Credit: Getty

Musk emphasized that AI poses a more immediate problem for humanity than encountered with AI and robots could ultimately replace human jobs, making employment optional and transforming jobs into hobbies.

He expressed his belief that AI must be trained to prioritize honesty over political correctness to prevent the spread of misinformation.

Despite his claim of being an alien, Musk clarified that he has not witnessed any evidence of extraterrestrial life.

He stated that his company, SpaceX, conducted none of the space missions, and has not encountered UFOs or any signs of non-human intelligence.

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Musk claimed to be an alien but clarified he hadn't witnessed evidence of extraterrestrial life. Image Credit: Getty

Elon Musk's business endeavors and concepts have frequently captured public attention and triggered discussions. 

However, when he claimed to be an alien, people responded with skepticism and doubt.

He asserts that the extensive network of satellites under his control would enable him to spot extraterrestrial beings. This statement has sparked conversations among social media users.

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Nobody believes Musk's claim that he was an alien. Image Credit: Getty

Previously, Elon Musk captured public attention after claiming his ability to detect aliens.

He asserts that the extensive network of satellites under his control would enable him to spot extraterrestrial beings. 

With SpaceX's Starlink satellite constellation, which aims to provide global internet coverage, Musk's satellite network has advanced technology and wide coverage.

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Elon Musk confidently stated that he could spot aliens easily due to his extensive network of satellites under his control. Image Credit: Getty

He confidently states that if there are aliens out there, he would be able to identify their existence.

The primary purpose of Musk's satellite network is to establish global internet coverage, but he suggests that it could also serve as a surveillance system for detecting any signs of alien activity.

Musk remains hopeful about aliens and expresses his interest in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).