People are just realizing why surgeons raise their hands before entering the operating theater

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Surgeons walk into the operating theatre with their hands up to maintain sterility and prevent contamination during surgical procedures.

Surgeons walk into the operating theatre with their hands up to maintain sterility and prevent contamination during surgical procedures.

Have you ever wondered why surgeons walk into the operating theatre with their hands raised?

This action might seem unusual, but it serves a very important purpose.

Many people are just beginning to understand the reasons behind this practice, and it is essential to appreciate its significance in the medical field.

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Surgeons keep hands raised to ensure sterility during surgeries. Image Credit: Getty

The reason behind surgeons walking into the operating theatre with their hands up

This practice aims to maintain sterility

One of the primary reasons surgeons keep their hands up is to maintain sterility.

In an operating room, it is crucial to prevent any germs or bacteria from contaminating the surgical area.

Surgeries are serious procedures, and any infection can lead to complications.

By holding their hands up, surgeons minimize the risk of contamination from their arms, which may not be as clean as their hands.

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Hands-up posture prevents water from contaminating sterile surgical areas. Image Credit: TikTok/tjnortho

When surgeons scrub in, they follow strict protocols to ensure their hands and arms are as sterile as possible.

This scrubbing process involves using special antiseptic solutions to remove any potential germs.

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After scrubbing, the surgeons are advised to keep their hands above their waist and below their neck.

This helps to maintain cleanliness and avoid introducing any bacteria into the surgical field.

Hands up prevent water from contaminating.

Another reason for this practice is related to the physical position of the hands.

When surgeons keep their hands raised, any water or fluids that might drip from their arms will flow away from their hands.

Improper hand positioning could let water from unscrubbed elbows contaminate the sterile area.

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Gowns and gloves provide extra protection for surgeons and patients. Image Credit: TikTok/tjnortho

By keeping their hands up, they ensure that only the cleanest parts remain as sterile as possible.

This is a simple yet effective way to manage cleanliness during surgery.

It indicates the importance of attention to detail in the operating room.

Every small action counts when it comes to patient safety.

The role of surgical gowns and gloves

In addition to holding their hands up, surgeons also wear gowns and gloves.

These barriers provide an extra layer of protection for both the patient and the surgical team.

The gowns keep the surgeon’s clothes from coming into contact with the surgical site, while gloves prevent any bacteria from the surgeon’s hands from entering the patient’s body.

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Image Credit: TikTok/tjnortho

Surgeons must be careful not to touch anything that could compromise their sterility after scrubbing and putting on gloves.

This includes avoiding contact with surfaces and equipment that may not be sterile.

Maintaining this level of cleanliness is a critical aspect of performing successful surgeries.

Social media helps educate about surgical practices.

Recently, many people have started to learn about this practice through social media.

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Dr. Gregory Tchejeyan, a surgeon specializing in joint surgery, shared a video on TikTok explaining the reason behind this practice.

The video gained significant attention, attracting millions of views.

Viewers expressed surprise and appreciation for this important aspect of surgical practice.

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Image Credit: TikTok/tjnortho

Reactions from viewers

I thought that was common sense, one user said.

Do you think that water is sterile? The second user wrote.

Technically not sterile just clean because the water from the sink and the sink head are not sterile when they get on your hands, the third user said.

What if you’re in the middle of surgery and you have a really bad itchy spot, another user asked.

But you just cover it with a multiple gloves, hand sterility is useless, someone said.


Ever wondered why surgeons walk into the operating room with their hands up? 🖐️ Dr. T explains why. #orthopedicsurgeon #behindthescenes #medical

♬ Storytelling – Adriel


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