People are now discovering why tanker trucks always have extra chains hanging at the back

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Tanker trucks have chains hanging at the back to discharge static electricity, ensuring safety by preventing sparks near flammable materials.

The purpose of chains on tanker trucks

Have you ever noticed the long chains hanging from the back of tanker trucks?

These chains may seem like simple decorations, but they serve an important safety purpose, especially for trucks carrying flammable liquids like gasoline and oil.

Understanding why they are there can help us appreciate their role in preventing accidents.

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Chains on tanker trucks prevent static sparks from causing danger. Image Credit: Getty

How does static electricity work?

When a tanker truck moves, it can build up static electricity.

This happens due to friction between the liquid inside the tank and the tank walls.

As the truck travels, air inside the tank rubs against the liquid, creating an electric charge.

The truck’s metal body can end up with a positive charge, while the ground has a negative charge.

If these two charges come into contact, it might create a spark, which can be dangerous, especially for flammable materials.

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Static electricity forms from friction between liquids and tank walls. Image Credit: Getty

The role of the chains of the back of tanker trucks

To prevent this buildup of static electricity, trucks use chains that hang down and touch the ground.

These chains are made of conductive metal, which means they can transfer electric charges.

When the chains touch the road, they help to discharge the static electricity safely into the ground.

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This process reduces the risk of a spark that could lead to a fire or explosion.

The longer the chain, the better it is at grounding.

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Grounding chains discharge static electricity safely into the ground. Image Credit: Getty

This is especially true for trucks that carry volatile liquids, as they face a higher risk of ignition.

Therefore, you will often see more chains on trucks that transport gasoline, oil, or chemicals.

Grounding devices on the tanker trucks

In addition to chains, some tanker trucks use specialized grounding systems.

These systems are designed to neutralize static electricity more effectively.

For example, the RTR system (Road Tanker Grounding) automatically connects the truck to the ground when it is filled or emptied.

This ensures that any static charge is discharged safely and minimizes the chances of accidents.

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Advanced grounding systems neutralize static for enhanced safety measures. Image Credit: Getty

Other safety features

Tanker trucks often have additional safety features to protect against accidents.

For example, rubber bands are sometimes attached to the tires.

These help clean mud and dust off the tires, making it easier for police to inspect them.

This simple addition can help drivers avoid penalties and keep their vehicles in good condition.

Another feature is the water tank mounted on the roof.

This tank provides water for personal use and helps cool the engine.

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Safety features include rubber bands for tires and cooling water tanks. Image Credit: Getty

The engine can heat up quickly when trucks carry heavy loads or drive long distances.

The tank provides water to cool the engine and prevent overheating.

This helps maintain the truck’s performance and safety on the road.

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