People embarrassed after realizing popular emoji has completely different meaning

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after realizing the true meaning behind a popular emoji.

Emoji have become an essential part of modern communication. From smiley faces to playful symbols, they add emotion and meaning to messages.

However, one widely used emoji has a meaning that many people have misunderstood.

The emoji people have been misinterpreting

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Many people misinterpret a common emoji, thinking it represents rock music instead of its true meaning. Image Credits: X


The emoji in question features a hand with a raised pinky finger, index finger, and an extended thumb.

At first glance, many assume it represents the ‘Sign of the Horns,’ a gesture linked to rock music and good vibes. However, the addition of the thumb completely changes its meaning.

What the emoji actually represents

This hand symbol actually means ‘I love you.’ It is based on American Sign Language (ASL).

The pinky finger represents the letter ‘I,’ the thumb and index finger together form an ‘L,’ and the pinky and thumb extended together make a ‘Y.’ When combined, they spell out ‘ILY’—short for ‘I love you.’

Social media react to the surprising meaning

On social media, many emoji users were shocked to learn the real meaning.

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The emoji actually means “I love you” in American Sign Language (ASL), spelling out “ILY” with hand gestures. Image Credits: X


While, another also shared their embarrassing mistake on social media.

One persn said: So I sent this emoji to my male friend today, thinking it meant something cool. Turns out, I actually told him ‘I love you’ by mistake! That was an awkward conversation.

A second wrote: I always thought it meant ‘rock on’ or ‘let’s go!’ Guess I was wrong.

While a third commented: I saw this emoji on a woman’s shirt and had to look up what it meant. I had no idea!.

Another added: means. Hey Hughie. Waves are pumpin dude.

Someone else said: ASL sign for I Love You. Im deaf. I known.

How this emoji differs from the ‘Sign of the Horns’

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Social media users were shocked to learn its real meaning, with some sharing awkward experiences. Image Credits: X


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The ‘Sign of the Horns’ is often associated with heavy metal music and protection against the ‘evil eye.’

Unlike the ‘I love you’ emoji, it does not include an extended thumb. Instead, the thumb is pressed against the middle and ring fingers.

The ‘I love you’ emoji is not the only symbol people misinterpret. Many assume that a heart emoji simply expresses love, but different colors actually carry distinct meanings.

– Red heart: Classic love or romance.
– Orange heart: Warmth, enthusiasm, or platonic love.
– Blue heart: Friendship or admiration.
– Black heart: Aesthetic appeal, not necessarily dark emotions.

Emoji are a fun and expressive way to communicate, but their meanings are not always what they seem. Next time you send an emoji, you may want to double-check its true significance!

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