
'Reincarnated' boy asserts he remembers clearly about past life as a Hollywood star

Monday, 22/04/2024, 22:55 (GMT+7)

10-year-old boy Ryan Hammond, who comes from Oklahoma, claims to be the reincarnation of a deceased Hollywood actor.

In an incredible story, a young boy named Ryan Hammond has made surprising statements about being reborn as a Hollywood actor. 

In 2015, when Hammond was only 10 years old, he bravely shared his beliefs with the public. He claimed to have clear memories of his past life in Hollywood from the 1940s and 1950s.

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In 2015, at 10 years old, Hammond boldly claimed clear memories of a past life in Hollywood. Image Credit: NBC News

'Reincarnated' boy asserts he remembers clearly about past life as a Hollywood star

Hammond's memories were incredibly specific, recalling interactions with famous people from that time.

He vividly remembered an event where he alleged being punched by one of Marilyn Monroe's bodyguards. 

Moreover, he described his own death in his past life, remembering his heart "exploding" and his journey towards "the light." 

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The young boy shared with his parents that he could clearly remember his past life. Image Credit: NBC News

These detailed recollections fascinated and raised doubts among many, prompting them to question the authenticity of his claims.

According to Hammond, he firmly believed he was the reincarnation of Marty Martyn, a movie extra who later became a successful agent in Tinsel Town.

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Hammond asserts to be a reincarnation of Marty Martyn. Image Credit: NBC News.

Martyn enjoyed a luxurious existence in New York, having been married four times and cherishing delightful vacations in Paris. 

Tragically, Martyn's life came to an end in 1964 at the age of 61 due to a brain hemorrhage.

Hammond made his claims about his past life public when he was 3.

Surprisingly, Hammond started expressing his past life claims at the age of three, although his parents initially regarded them as typical childhood imaginings. 

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Marty Martyn is a movie extra who later became a successful agent. Image Credit: NBC News.

However, their doubts began to fade as Hammond continuously pleaded with his mother to take him to Los Angeles, claiming he wanted to meet his "other family" there. 

Additionally, he frequently woke up during the night, shouting "action" as if he were on a film set. 

These behaviors and persistent requests baffled his parents, gradually making them reconsider the possibility of his condition.

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Hammond quickly recognized himself in a past life through a Hollywood book that was borrowed from library by his mom. Image Credit: NBC News.

To discover the secrets of his past life, Hammond's mother borrowed a book about Hollywood from the library.

At that time, Hammond recognized actor George Raft in a photo, boldly stating that he had "worked on a film" with him.

Marty Martyn's daughter confirmed Hammond's claims about her late father were accurate.

As he got older, a team making a documentary introduced Hammond to Marty Martyn's daughter.

This encounter offered him the chance to explore Los Angeles and visit locations connected to the actor who had passed away. 

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His claims about being a reincarnation of Marty Martyn were also verified accurately by Martyn's daughter. Image Credit: NBC News.

Remarkably, Martyn's daughter confirmed the truthfulness of Hammond's assertions.

Although Hammond's recollections of his existence as Marty have gradually faded, he still displays certain characteristics that resemble those of the late Hollywood star. 

His affection for New York City and movies from Hollywood shows clearly a lasting bond with his presumed past life. 

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Hammond's memories about his past life have gradually faded over time, but his love for Hollywood remains intact. Image Credit: NBC News.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Jim Tucker finds Hammond's claims believable.

Scientists have yet to conclusively prove or disprove the existence of reincarnation, but numerous individuals have asserted having memories of past lives.