Salt Bae stuns with enormous bill shared from his restaurant

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On Instagram, Salt Bae shocked and outraged followers by sharing the eye-watering amount.

Nusret Gökçe, better known as Salt Bae, has once again made headlines, this time for the eye-watering bill shared from his Abu Dhabi restaurant.

The staggering total has left many people astonished and stirred a significant amount of criticism online.

Salt Bae shared the enormous bill

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Salt Bae, known as Nusret Gökçe, shared an Instagram photo of a staggering bill from his Abu Dhabi restaurant. Imgae Credits: Getty


Salt Bae’s restaurant, renowned for its opulent dining experience, posted a bill on Instagram. This post has taken social media by storm with its enormous bill.

The final amount reached a jaw-dropping 615,065 UAE dirhams, equivalent to approximately $167,500.

This bill is a stark reminder of the exorbitant costs associated with dining at such high-profile establishments.

Breakdown of Costs left viewers stunned.

The bill featured an assortment of luxury items, including:

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The bill amounted to 615,065 UAE dirhams, roughly $167,500, causing widespread shock. Imgae Credits: Instagram / @nusr_et


-Beverages: Water cost around $12 per bottle, a beer was nearly $15, and a Negroni was priced at $20.
– Petrus Wine: Renowned for its exorbitant cost, each bottle of Petrus was priced at $27,225.
– Golden Baklava:This dessert, adorned with gold leaf, was priced at $106 per serving.

Even basic items like a pint of lager and standard drinks added significantly to the overall cost. This showed how easily a meal can escalate into tens of thousands of dollars.

Salt Bae’s enormous restaurant bill quickly went viral and sparked debate on social media.

In the comments, many viewers expressed their outrage and disapproval of the bill.

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The exorbitant costs included items like water ($12), beer ($15), and a Negroni ($20). Imgae Credits: Getty


Many viewers expressed concerns about the quality of the food and its economic impact, especially given the current economic crisis.

One commenter argued that the restaurant’s offerings did not justify the price. They criticized that the quality of the meat compared to other steakhouses.

Another person highlighted the stark contrast between such extravagant spending and the global cost of living crisis. They also called the display of wealth “disgusting.”

Additionally, some users reflected on their own dining experiences..

It noted that they found the bill’s total excessive in comparison to their own more modest expenses.

One person said: It’s not about the experience, but imagine a $167,000 meal will turn into a poo.

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Petrus wine, priced at $27,225 per bottle, and gold-wrapped baklava at $106 each contributed to the high total. Imgae Credits: Getty


A second wrote: Even if I were a multimillionaire, I would not spend that much on one meal. That’s ridiculous!

While a third commented: The only people who will eat at that restaurant are the crazy ones.

Someone else said: Ive had better steak and service elsewhere. Its overrated!!

Another user added: He is one of the most obnoxious people in the world

I think his the best meat the man type of show… He created the a salt thing. Someone added.

The discussion surrounding the bill taps about luxury spending and economic disparity.

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Many people criticized the outrageous prices and questioned the value of the food and drinks. Imgae Credits: Getty


High-end dining’s opulence faces backlash amid global economic challenges.

Although Salt Bae’s record-setting restaurant bill has captured attention, the high cost of luxury dining has sparked debate on social media.

The enormous bill reflects concerns about disparity and consumer values.

What did you think about Salt Bae’s enormous restaurant bill ?

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