
SeaWorld fires 36-years experienced worker for confusing reason

Wednesday, 26/06/2024, 18:00 (GMT+7)

People have expressed their fury after SeaWorld fired a worker who worked there for 36 years over a confusing reason.

A longtime SeaWorld employee was fired after 36 years of working there. Lynn Frey, also known as 'Lynn The Mime', shares his story on TikTok, sparking furious over the company's decision.

The worker had an argument with the security when he biked to work.

Frey recounts that on a typical day, he had biked to work as he always did. However, when passing through the security area, he was stopped by a security guard and told he was not allowed to ride his bike in that area. 

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SeaWorld fires longtime employee Lynn Frey after 36 years, sparking outrage over the company's decision. Image Credit: TikTok

Despite explaining that he had been doing this for the past 36 years, the security guard insisted that Frey park his bike and walk instead.

The argument between Frey and the guard security was escalating for a few minutes. Frey alleges that the guard then went to HR and reported that Frey had sworn at him and thrown his bike.

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SeaWorld fires a longtime worker over his argument with a security guard. Image Credit: TikTok

Frey disputes this, saying he did not curse at the guard and that is not in his nature. He said the conversation was not that tense. 

"I didn't cuss at him. Everybody out there knows me and knows that I wouldn't do that. I don't cuss at people. I don't have that in me," he recalled.

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The security guard wrongly blamed the worker for the argument between the two. Image Credit: TikTok

SeaWorld decided to fire the 36-years experienced worker even when he wasn't wrong.

Despite this, Frey claims he was then promptly fired from his job of 36 years for the confusing argument with the security.

Frey said he asked if he could come in and do one last show or tell his side of the story, but all of his requests were denied.

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Despite his explanations, the company decided to fire Frey after 36 years of employment. Image Credit: TikTok

Shockingly, he was also banned from the SeaWorld property. Frey expressed his disappointment, saying his 36 years of service apparently meant nothing to them.

"Sea World never let me tell my side of the story. They just judge, jury, and executioner ... that quick. 36 years at SeaWorld. Evidently, that means nothing to them," the worker sadly said.

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Frey was also banned from SeaWorld after 36 years, feeling his service meant nothing. Image Credit: TikTok

SeaWorld faced criticism and negative comments on social media following their unfair decision.

The video has gained millions of views on social media platforms, with many online users expressing their fury over SeaWorld's termination

That is horrible 36 years means nothing to them shame on seaworld, one user said.

Oh no! I performed with him in that stadium for over 2 years. He was always a nice guy and a great performer, the second user narrated their experience

They didn't want to hear his side of the story, that is executive speak for they been waiting for an excuse to fire him for a while, the third user said.

36 years and they just fired him because of that? Seems a little dodgy Seaworld, he least they could do was give him the benefit of the doubt. 36 years is like a whole life of working there. Where's the loyalty in that Seaworld? Someone wrote.

I believe in Karma, that security guard will get what's coming to him. And Seaworld, we hope you go under, another user urged people to boycott SeaWorld.

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SeaWorld Orlando faced backlash and criticism online for the unfair termination. Image Credit: Getty

This is not the first time, a company has unfair behavior toward their older worker.

Previously, a company faced a lot of criticism because they only held a basic BBQ and gave certificates to an elderly worker who worked there for 42 years on minimum wage.

The 70-year-old worker named John was dedicated over 4 decades to working at the company, often commuting over 40 minutes each day.

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A company received criticism for only hosting a basic BBQ and giving certificates to a long-serving elderly worker. Image Credit: Facebook

However, for his retirement, the company only provided a simple BBQ and a certificate, which angered many of his colleagues.

One of John's coworkers, Sonia, recorded a video of John receiving the certificate on his last day, revealing that he had worked there for 42 years on a minimum salary.

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The viral video prompted strong online support, raising nearly $45,000 for John's well-deserved retirement. Image Credit: Facebook

The video went viral and prompted much support from the online community, with online fundraisers collecting nearly $45,000 to provide John with the retirement he deserves.

Supporters expressed admiration for John's dedication and commitment over his many years of service.