Self-proclaimed “time traveler” says he can predict exactly when aliens contact Earth

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A self-proclaimed time traveler has sparked curiosity online by claiming he knows the exact date when aliens will make contact.

A man claims himself as a time traveler and to know when aliens contact Earth

In recent discussions revolving around extraterrestrial contact, a self-proclaimed time traveler has emerged with bold assertions. 

Using the online alias @radianttimetraveler, Eno Alaric claims to be a time traveler. 

self-proclaimed time traveler says he can predict exactly when aliens con 5472
A man claims to be a ‘time traveler’ and knows when aliens will contact Earth. Image Credit: TikTok/@radianttimetraveler

He has gained a large following by sharing his supposed future scenarios.

Instead of sharing winning lottery numbers, this self-proclaimed time traveler claims to come from the year 2671. 

He has made shocking statements about upcoming interactions with aliens.

This individual claims that a major event is approaching.

He suggests that people should mark their calendars for a meeting with extraterrestrial beings.

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Image Credit: Getty

Alaric uses a TikTok video to announce his prediction.

He claims that the “first confirmed alien signal” will arrive from a distant solar system on September 23rd.

He captioned the chilling clip: “Insane events coming soon…”

It is suggested that these extraterrestrial beings have more than just a friendly visit in mind. 

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These extraterrestrial beings are believed to conquer more than a friendly visit planned. Image Credit: TikTok/@radianttimetraveler

They reportedly aim to conquer and bring about the end of humanity.

Alaric said: “They plan to soon visit Earth and try and take it over, they attempt to conquer and end humanity.”

The time traveler predicts a peculiar celestial event

The narrative extends further into the future as Alaric foretells a peculiar celestial event on the 23rd of October. 

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Allegedly, the Sun will emit a rare energy, enabling individuals to witness their passing each day for three months. 

November is said to bring a major discovery: an alien artifact found in Antarctica. 

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The artifact is rumored to hold an incurable disease that quickly spreads worldwide. Image Credit: TikTok/@radianttimetraveler

This artifact is rumored to contain a mysterious, incurable disease that spreads rapidly around the world.

“November 12: An alien artifact is found buried in Antarctica, it contains a mysterious disease,” he continued.

“This disease is very contagious and quickly spreads throughout the world, it has no cure.”

Following this ominous revelation, a meteor shower, projected to etch a luminous pattern across the sky, is said to inaugurate a transformative period. 

Alaric theorizes that this phenomenon will usher in new species, effectively providing Earth with an “animal update.” 

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Image Credit: Getty


He forecasts an “Electric Tornado” disaster.

December is predicted to see the arrival of an “Electric Tornado.” 

This severe weather event is said to occur from the combination of lightning and tornado forces.

“It happens when lightning and a tornado mix,” Alaric said. 

“It is much larger than the average tornado, some being 20 miles wide and traveling 600-800MPH.”

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He forecasts an “Electric Tornado” disaster. Image Credit: TikTok/@radianttimetraveler

People have mixed feelings about Alaric’s claims.

Some are worried, while others doubt if he is telling the truth. Many social media users are unsure about whether to believe this self-proclaimed time traveler. 

Although some doubt his predictions, the idea of meeting aliens does not seem to scare everyone.

Some people are relaxed about it and even welcome the idea of aliens coming. 

However, others are more critical and question if what he says is real.

This is why aliens aren’t visiting, one user said.

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Can it be before Friday because I don’t want to go to my dentist appointment, the second user joked.

I like how if u just run across this guy at a party, he gets laughed off, but it u run into it on the internet, they make an article about it, the third user said.

I thought they were already here in positions of power, another wrote.

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