
Three-fingered 'mummified humanoids' found in Peruvian cave could be proof of new species

Thursday, 07/03/2024, 18:20 (GMT+7)

DNA results from a three-fingered mummy humanoid surprised scientists by potentially revealing a completely new species.

Filmmakers claim to have uncovered a fascinating discovery in a Peruvian cave: mummified humanoids with three fingers.

The mummied humanoid believed to be over a thousand years old, has sparked speculation about the existence of a new species.

The filmmakers believe the three-fingered 'mummified humanoids' could be a new species.

The filmmakers assert that after examining the alleged corpses, they have discovered that these beings possess distinct DNA, with 30% of it remaining unidentified. 

Three-fingered 'mummified humanoids' found in Peruvian cave could be proof of new species 1
Filmmakers find distinct DNA in mummified beings, suggesting unknown species. Image Credit: This is not a hoax the Nazca Alien Autopies.

However, the filmmakers are not suggesting an extraterrestrial origin for these beings but rather suggesting the possibility of a previously unknown species.

The documentary producers, Serena DC and Michael Mazzola have conducted X-rays, DNA tests, and laboratory examinations on the mummified bodies in collaboration with scientists from the United States and Mexico. 

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Mazzola and DC affirm that the mummified figures are real beings, over a thousand years old. Image Credit: This is not a hoax the Nazca Alien Autopsies.

They confirm that the mummies were not artificially created by humans and are over a thousand years old.

Filmmakers plan a press conference in West Hollywood to present evidence of humanoid mummies as a potential new species.

To present their findings and evidence, the filmmakers have planned a press conference in West Hollywood, California, on March 12.

They will reveal further scientific evidence, including new images and live testing of the humanoid mummies.

The event will also feature reports from the participating scientists, who will explain the test results.

Three-fingered 'mummified humanoids' found in Peruvian cave could be proof of new species 3
Filmmakers will hold a press conference and share new evidence and test results of humanoid mummies on March 12. Image Credit: This is not a hoax the Nazca Alien Autopsies.

The filmmakers express their excitement about the possibility that these beings could be a new species.

However, they emphasize the need for further DNA testing to determine their origin definitively. 

The duo has encountered criticism from skeptics who dismiss their findings without thoroughly examining the facts. They call for genuine scientific research to replicate and confirm the evidence coming out of Peru.

Three-fingered 'mummified humanoids' found in Peruvian cave could be proof of new species 4
Filmmakers conducted X-rays, DNA tests, and lab examinations with US scientists in Mexico and Peru. Image Credit: This is not a hoax the Nazca Alien Autopsies.

While the existence of these three-fingered humanoid mummies is still under investigation and verification, the filmmakers remain confident in the significance of their findings.

Whether these mummies represent a new species or offer other intriguing knowledge, the duo discovery has sparked speculation about the mysteries hidden inside Peru's ancient caves.

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The duo was confident in mummy findings, sparking speculation about mysteries in Peru's ancient caves. Image Credit: This is not a hoax the Nazca Alien Autopsies.

The two 'mummies' previously discovered in Peru were confirmed to be just man-made dolls.

Peruvian government scientists recently held a press conference in Lima to address claims of "alien mummies" and other humanoid remains found in the country.

They presented their findings, stating that the alleged figures were not extraterrestrial, intraterrestrial, a new species, or hybrids.

Instead, they concluded that the objects were simply man-made dolls.

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Peruvian scientists declared previous "alien mummies" that were also found in Peru were actually man-made dolls, using bones and other materials. Image Credit: EPA

The forensic experts explained that the figures were created using animal and human bones, along with materials like paper, glue, and metal.

The filmmakers claim their discoveries are natural

These findings cast doubt on the authenticity of the specimens found by filmmakers. However, the filmmakers claim that the mummies are real and have a significant history. 

They believe that governments should not dismiss them without further investigation.