Viewers stunned after prisoner reveals daily life behind bars on social media

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A prison inmate’s TikTok video about her daily life goes viral, with viewers surprisingly finding it relaxing and structured.

A recent TikTok video by a prison inmate has gone viral, revealing her daily life behind bars.

This video features a user named Jodie, who shares her experiences at Peterborough Prison in England.

Many viewers were surprised by her routine, with some even commenting that it looked “relaxing.”

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Jodie shares her daily prison routine, leaving viewers surprisingly intrigued. Image Credit: TikTok/@jodieandjail

Viewers stunned after prisoner reveals daily life behind bars on social media

Daily routine of an inmate

In her video, Jodie outlines what a typical day looks like in prison. The day starts early at 7:10 a.m. when inmates are unlocked from their cells.

They have breakfast, which can be eaten in the dining area or brought back to their cells.

This morning meal is followed by a brief exercise period for those who can participate.

At 7:30 a.m., Jodie mentions that inmates may either be locked up again or allowed to exercise for 30 minutes.

They can take a walk around a small courtyard if the weather is pleasant and enough officers are available to supervise.

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Inmates start their day early with breakfast and limited outdoor time. Image Credit: TikTok/@jodieandjail

Work and educational activities

After breakfast and exercise, the inmates begin their work or educational activities at 8:40 a.m.

This time is crucial for personal development and helps keep the inmates engaged.

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Classes and jobs are part of the daily schedule, allowing inmates to learn new skills or earn some privileges.

Between 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., inmates enjoy a “free flow” period. This time allows them to move around the prison within certain limits.

They can socialize and interact with others during this window, which helps break the monotony of prison life.

Inmates have scheduled meals and visiting hours.

When work and classes conclude at 11:50 a.m., inmates return to their wings for lunch at noon. This meal lasts for 20 minutes, after which visiting hours begin.

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Visits from loved ones offer inmates a brief emotional connection. Image Credit: TikTok/@jodieandjail

During this time, inmates are escorted to a designated visiting area to meet family and friends.

If an inmate does not have visitors, they are locked up again until 1:40 p.m.

This waiting period can be challenging, especially for those longing for connection with loved ones.

Afternoon activities and lock-up

After the lunch period, inmates have another chance for activities and exercise.

However, Jodie notes that opportunities for exercise are limited, and many inmates do not get to go outside for fresh air regularly.

This aspect of prison life can be quite difficult for those trying to stay active and healthy.

Dinner is served at 5:15 p.m., and by 6:40 p.m., inmates are locked up for the night.

The schedule then repeats the next day, creating a cycle that can feel monotonous.

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In the video, Jodie shared her “basic guide to life” at Peterborough Prison. Image Credit: Getty

Social media reactions

Jodie’s video has received a lot of attention online. Many viewers expressed surprise at how structured the daily routine is.

Some comments indicated that people found the schedule appealing, even saying it looks less stressful than their own lives.

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One user said: My autism is loving this schedule, how do I apply?

The second user wrote: I’m so stressed at the moment that I’m looking at this going “this ain’t that bad”

The third user added: I played this with no noise and thought everyone in Peterborough had to stick to this schedule as a county

The fourth user commented: For some reason my brain heard HMV and I was wondering why HMV are making their staff exercise.

Another user said: The cost of living is so bad that this looks relaxing.

Someone wrote: I’m always wondering can you just sleep all day or do you need to do all this?


Here’s a HMP guide of life 😆😆 #prison #prisonguide #schedule #pregnantinprison #prisontok #fyp #fyppp #foryoupage

♬ original sound – jodieandjail


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