Woman realizes she is among 0.00001% who remember every moment since birth

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A woman discovered she belongs to the rare 0.00001% of people who can remember every moment of their life, including right after birth.

An Australian woman named Rebecca Sharrock has a remarkable ability.

She can remember almost every moment of her life, even moments from when she was just a baby.

This rare ability is known as Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), and only a tiny fraction of people in the world have it.

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Rebecca Sharrock remembers every moment of her life, even infancy. Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

Woman realizes she is among 0.00001% who remember every moment since birth

Rebecca’s special memory has been with her since she was young.

Growing up in Australia, she thought everyone could remember things as vividly as she could.

It wasn’t until she saw a news story about people with similar abilities that she began to understand how unique her memory was.

In 2011, Rebecca watched a segment on television featuring people who could recall their pasts in detail.

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She first realized her unique memory after watching a news story. Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

The reporters described these individuals as amazing.

Confused, Rebecca turned to her parents and asked why it was considered special.

Her parents explained that her memory was indeed very unique. They suspected that she might have HSAM.

The woman received her HSAM diagnosis in 2013.

In 2013, after further investigation, Rebecca received an official diagnosis of HSAM.

As of 2019, she was the only person in Australia known to have this condition.

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HSAM allows her to remember events from her life with incredible clarity.

This includes memories from her infancy, such as being wrapped in a pink blanket when she was just a week old.

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Rebecca was officially diagnosed with HSAM in 2013 after tests. Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

“When I was about a week old I remember being in this pink cotton blanket,” she said.

Rebecca described her ability: “I’d always know when it was Mum holding me, for some reason.

I just instinctively always knew and she was my favourite person.”

Her memories are not just facts; they come with strong emotions from the times they occurred.

The upsides of HSAM

Many people view Rebecca’s memory as a gift.

It allows her to recall happy moments, special occasions, and important events in detail.

For example, she can remember birthdays, family gatherings, and other significant experiences vividly.

This ability gives her a unique perspective on her life and the people in it.

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Her memory allows her to recall both joyful and painful moments. Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

However, Rebecca also acknowledges that her memory has its challenges.

The vivid recollection of both good and bad experiences can be overwhelming.

When she remembers something sad or stressful, she feels those emotions anew, just as she did when the event occurred.

The downsides of HSAM

Rebecca has shared that remembering negative experiences can be particularly tough.

For instance, if she recalls a difficult time from her childhood, the feelings associated with that memory return.

She explained: “If I’m remembering an incident that happened when I was three, my emotional response to the situation is like a three-year-old, even though my mind is that of an adult.”

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Image Credit: 60 Minutes Australia/YouTube

This emotional intensity can lead others to misunderstand her experiences.

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Some people might think she is choosing to dwell on the past, but for Rebecca, it is not a choice.

It is simply the way her brain works. She wishes more people understood what it is like to live with HSAM.

Rebecca seeks awareness about her condition.

Rebecca has expressed her desire for more awareness and understanding of her condition.

She feels that being a medical exception can be isolating.

Few people truly understand the experience of having such a powerful memory.

Because of this, treatments specifically for HSAM are limited.

Despite the challenges, Rebecca continues to embrace her unique gift.

She cherishes good memories while managing the burden of difficult ones.

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