A mother has warned people not to approach abandoned strollers on the side of the road, as it could be a trap set by criminals.
Lately, a disturbing trend has emerged that preys on the good intentions of strangers.
A concerned mother recently warned about the dangers of stopping to assist what seems to be an abandoned baby or stroller on the side of the road.
She highlighted that these situations can sometimes be traps or misleading.

The warning about abandoned strollers on the road’s side
The viral post, shared over 23,000 times, features a picture of a stroller parked next to some bushes off the road.
The mother’s urgent message reads:
“If you see a stroller, car seat, or any type of baby situation alone in the middle of nowhere,
Please, I repeat, don’t get out. Be safe.”

Why should we stay away from abandoned strollers?
Thieves use this ‘abandoned baby’ tactic to ambush well-meaning individuals who approach.
When a kind-hearted person stops to check on the seemingly abandoned stroller, the criminals strike, often leading to robbery or physical harm.
The mother’s advice is to maintain a safe distance and contact authorities instead.

The ‘abandoned baby’ scam is part of a broader trend where criminals use deceptive practices to exploit Good Samaritans.
Another similar scam is the ‘Dead Man,’ where someone pretends to be passed out on the roadside.
The ‘Screaming Woman,’ where individuals scream for help, only to ambush those who come to their aid.
What to do if we stump upon an abandoned stroller?
If you come across an abandoned stroller or in a similar situation, remain in your vehicle and call emergency services.
By doing so, you prevent potential danger and ensure that professionals address the matter.

Social media reaction
The mother’s warning has sparked a lot of discussion online.
People have shared their own experiences and the advice they’ve received.
A police officer advised a woman to be cautious when she pulls over to help someone who seems to be passed out on the side of the road.
He warned that these situations are often scams.

Another person mentioned hearing about women screaming for help, only to do the same thing.
I just pull out my gun and check, one user said.
Hell yes I would stay away! I’d call 911 and tell them what I saw and let them handle it, the second user said.
I just pulled out the stroller from the road to sideways and enjoyed my car ride. It’s nothing to scary guys just chill, the third user said.
Yip..it’s a set up for you to get out of your vehicle..the rest is you will be history, another wrote.
It is an area where wild animals roam freely and hence they are kept to keep people safe, some one said.