Woman wins $12,500 payout after chef husband fires her for catching his affair

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A wife secures $12,500 compensation after being fired by her chef husband, who she caught having an affair on CCTV footage.

Recently, a woman named Jacqueline Herling received a payout of $12,500 after being dismissed from her job by her husband, Stefan.

This dramatic story unfolded when Jacqueline discovered that Stefan was having an affair, which she captured on CCTV.

Jacqueline and Stefan had been together for 19 years.

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Image Credit: Getty

They worked together at a pub that they ran as a couple, living in an apartment above the establishment.

Their relationship seemed stable until a shocking discovery changed everything.

The woman caught her husband’s affair on the CCTV

The trouble began when Jacqueline noticed something suspicious.

She checked the CCTV footage from the pub and saw her husband with the sous chef in a compromising situation.

This revelation was not only heartbreaking but also led to a confrontation between the couple.

When Jacqueline confronted Stefan about what she had seen, he initially denied the affair.

However, after she explained she had proof, he could not keep up the lie.

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Couple lived and worked together before discovery. Image Credit: Facebook/Jacqueline Herling

She confronted the cheating husband about the affair

Following the confrontation, Jacqueline made it clear that she did not want to work at the pub anymore.

She stated she “would not set foot” in the place again.

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Despite this, for the next four months, her salary continued to be paid, although her responsibilities were reduced to occasional tasks.

However, everything changed when Stefan unexpectedly issued Jacqueline a P45.

This is a document used in the UK to indicate that someone has been terminated from their job.

This was done without warning, leaving Jacqueline shocked and confused.

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CCTV reveals husband’s affair with sous chef. Image Credit: Getty

The woman takes legal action against her cheating husband over unfair dismissal

Feeling wronged by her husband’s actions, Jacqueline decided to take legal action. She filed a lawsuit against him for unfair dismissal.

The case was brought before an employment tribunal, where the details of their relationship and the circumstances of her firing were discussed.

During the tribunal, it was revealed that the couple had been living and working together in a stressful situation.

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Jacqueline sues husband for unfair dismissal after betrayal. Image Credit: Facebook/Jacqueline Herling

Jacqueline’s lawyer argued that the dismissal was unfair and that she had not officially resigned from her job.

The tribunal agreed, stating that Jacqueline had been unfairly dismissed and that her case warranted compensation.

Woman wins $12,500 payout after chef husband fires her for catching his affair

In the end, the tribunal ruled in Jacqueline’s favor.

She was awarded a payout of $12,500, which was a significant amount for her circumstances.

Although the tribunal limited the compensation to about a month’s pay,

Jacqueline felt it was a fair outcome considering the situation.

Following the court’s decision, Jacqueline has begun to move on with her life.

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She focuses on rebuilding life with her children. Image Credit: Facebook/Jacqueline Herling

The affair and the resulting fallout have been difficult, but she is focusing on her future.

Her children, who momentarily stayed with relatives, have returned to live with her, bringing some stability back to their lives.

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Jacqueline’s story serves as a reminder of the complexities of personal relationships and the potential consequences of betrayal.

While she faced a challenging period, her determination to seek justice has led to a positive resolution.

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