
World's most dangerous object took lives of people who unintentionally created it

Thursday, 16/05/2024, 16:06 (GMT+7)

This object was dubbed the most dangerous one in the world and killed many scientists who accidentally made it.

The world's most dangerous object that was mistakenly created by experts claimed the lives of the people who made it.

The incident took place during the famous Manhattan Project, a collaborative effort by American researchers and scientists. This ambitious effort, carried out during World War Two, aimed to develop the first atomic bomb.

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The world's most dangerous object, created by experts, tragically caused the deaths of its creators. Image Credit: Getty

The world's most dangerous object took the lives of people who unintentionally created it

The main focus of the project was a chunk of plutonium called the "demon core." This piece posed significant difficulties because it had the potential to cause disastrous accidents.

Scientists wanted to find out the exact point at which these cores could start explosive nuclear chain reactions, known as going "supercritical."

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Project focused on plutonium "demon core," posing risks for disastrous accidents. Image Credit: Getty

To investigate, they conducted detailed experiments, carefully interacting with the core to see how it reacted.

The first accident happened in 1945 when scientist Harry Daghlian, against the rules, was alone with the demon core. He made a fatal mistake and dropped a brick on it, making the core become supercritical. 

In a desperate effort to fix his error, Daghlian tried to retrieve the brick but received a deadly amount of radiation instead.

Therefore, he was killed by radiation poisoning less than a month later.

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In 1945, scientist Harry Daghlian violated rules and accidentally dropped a brick, causing the demon core to go supercritical. Image Credit: Getty

Other scientists were killed due to an accident regarding the demon core.

Despite the horrifying consequences, the scientific community persisted in their research. However, in May 1946, another accident occurred involving the demon core.

This time, "cowboy scientist" Louis Slotin, known for his daredevil approach to experiments, was involved. 

While working on the project, the team was putting two half spheres made of beryllium around the plutonium core. However, by accident, the halves came into contact with each other.

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Another casualty of the demon core was Louis Slotin, a fearless scientist known for his daring approach to experiments. Image Credit: Getty

This accidental contact leads to a rapid reaction, pushing the core into a supercritical state.

A devastating surge of radiation filled the room, causing danger to the lives of every scientist present. Unfortunately, Slotin's proximity to the core proved fatal.

The demon core was then used for another purpose with a smaller quantity.

After these terrible accidents, scientists and institutions quickly made important changes to their safety rules. To prevent further tragedies, they updated their protocols.

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The remaining material was repurposed for other weapons in the US arsenal. Image Credit: Getty

The demon core itself was melted down as a result of the fatal incidents. The remaining material was then used to create smaller cores for other weapons and missiles in the US collection.

Even now, the demon core is still considered the most dangerous object ever made. Its reputation for extreme peril continues to endure.

Previously, the "Elephant Foot" in Chernobyl was also dubbed one of the most dangerous objects on Earth.

The "Elephant's Foot" in Chernobyl is considered the most dangerous object on Earth. Spending just five minutes in a room with it can lead to death within two days. 

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The Chernobyl "Elephant's Foot" is one of Earth's deadliest objects. Five minutes in its presence can be fatal within two days. Image Credit: Getty

This deadly mass of radioactive waste was formed during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine. It emits high levels of radiation that can cause dizziness, fatigue, hemorrhaging, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. 

The Elephant's Foot consists of concrete, sand, and melted nuclear fuel, weighing around two metric tons.

It remains dangerously radioactive even decades after the disaster, and its lethal radiation can be absorbed by a person in just 300 seconds.