
$10 million lottery winer warns others 'don't trust anybody' after losing entire fortune

Sunday, 19/05/2024, 15:23 (GMT+7)

Winning a staggering $10 million is a big dream for many, but it's also 'the root of all evil.'

After winning a staggering $10 million in the lottery, her life took an unexpected turn but then leading to the loss of her entire fortune. 

In an interview, she offered valuable advice to others, emphasizing the importance of not trusting anybody.

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Winning $10 million in the lottery led to an unexpected turn of events and the loss of her entire fortune. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

A woman won a $10 million jackpot after buying a Lotto Super 7 ticket 

Back in 2004, Sharon Tirabassi bought a Lotto Super 7 ticket and luck was on her side. Against all odds, her numbers matched, and she became the proud winner of a jaw-dropping $10 million. 

This amazing stroke of luck was especially meaningful for Sharon, who had experienced a challenging upbringing in different shelters. 

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In 2004, Sharon Tirabassi won a jaw-dropping $10 million in the Lotto Super 7. Image Credit: Getty

Suddenly, she went from struggling to living the life of a millionaire.

She quickly loses all her money due to the lack of financial management skills

However, the absence of financial guidance led to her downfall. 

Unfortunately, Sharon didn't have anyone to guide her on how to manage her newfound wealth. 

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Without financial guidance, Sharon's wealth became her downfall. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

She went on a shopping spree, buying luxurious houses, fancy cars, fashionable clothes, and throwing extravagant parties.

She also lent money to her loved ones and even helped her neighbors pay their rent. With a lot of zeros in her bank account, she didn't think about the possible negative outcomes of her actions.

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As her balance dropped to $750,000, Sharon recognized the need to reassess her spending and regain control. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

But as time went on, Sharon's fortune began to dwindle.

When her balance eventually plummeted to $750,000, she realized it was time to reconsider her spending habits and regain control.

Today, Sharon's life has taken a new direction. 

She and her husband now live in a humble rented house with their two children. To make ends meet, Sharon has taken up a part-time job. 

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Sharon and her husband live in a humble rented house, and she works part-time. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

Surprisingly, despite the challenges she faces, she insists that she is happier in this simpler lifestyle.

She has also made a wise decision by putting a significant portion of her remaining money into a trust fund for her children's future.

Sharon's husband, Vinny, feels the same way as she does. He had already experienced a modest life before their unexpected riches, so he didn't mind going back to a more ordinary lifestyle. 

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Despite challenges, Sharon insists she is happier in her simpler lifestyle. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

The couple gives a piece of thought-provoking advice to future lottery winners.

Vinny recognizes that the money brought them many troubles and strained their relationships. 

This has led Sharon to believe that "money is the root of all evil." They both offer advice to future lottery winners, urging them to be careful.

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They advise trusting only family and keeping wealth private for future lottery winners. Image Credit: Lottery Analyst

They suggest that it's best to trust only family members and to keep their newfound wealth as private as possible. 

This way, they hope others can avoid the same challenges they faced.