15 things that make even Sherlock Holmes scratch his head

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There are many things in the world that can puzzle even the most intelligent minds, including Sherlock Holmes.

From bizarre natural phenomena to mind-bending optical illusions, some mysteries remain unsolved despite our best efforts.

Every now and then, we stumble upon household items that leave us puzzled. However, we share our expertise and help identify these mysterious objects.

Wikiany.net collected 15 things that make even Sherlock Holmes scratch his head

Let’s roll down and enjoy these unbelievable coincidences with us right now!

15 things that make even Sherlock Holmes scratch his head

1.“Part with spokes rotates, spokes (of different diameters) match up to hole in the opposite side of the tool. Sharpie marker for size.”

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Image Credit: © MamaBearsApron / reddit

Answer: It’s a leather hole punch that makes belt holes

2. “This little plastic basket/holder inside the far corner of a trolley — I asked the supermarket staff, they had no idea.”

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Image Credit: © geimryk / reddit

Answer: It’s a bitz box (a place for small items, like pens, batteries, etc.).

3. “I know it’s a chair, but what’s with the extended arms?”

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Image Credit: © Chwk540 / reddit

Answer: It looks like a plantation/planter chair. You’d put your sore, swollen legs up on the arms after sitting on a horse all day, like a pregnant woman with her legs up in the same fashion.

4. “Small, light blue, rubber capsule with a tear-off end.”

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Image Credit: © GoldFaceHoney / reddit

Answer: It’s a cosmetics serum capsule.

5. “My coworker saw this toilet in the women’s restroom at the Huntsville Space Center. Why is it shaped this way?”

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Image Credit: © stephentheseaman / reddit

Answer: It is a woman’s urinal. It encourages women to urinate from a standing position without the need to sit on a shared seat.

6. “Found this in Guam in shallow water, 3 meters in diameter. Never seen anything like it.”

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Image Credit: © genopsyism / reddit

Answer: This is absolutely a rocket part.

7. “Opposite of hole-y: what is this not-really-spiky kitchen spoon for?”

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Image Credit: © gabe0gonzalez / reddit

Answer: It’s a spaghetti server.

8.“What is the S-shaped metal ornament on this house?”

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Image Credit: © cerrosafe / reddit

Answer: It’s an anchor plate or wall washer. It’s meant to keep masonry in place and made aesthetically pleasing because they’re visible.

9.“My house (built in the mid ’70s) has one of these in almost every room.”

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Image Credit: © the_never_mind / reddit

Answer: The 3-prong ones were for TV and FM antennas, and the center one was for an antenna rotator to get better reception.

10. “What are these shredded balls on my property?”

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Image Credit: © _ledge_ / reddit

Answer: Juniper-hawthorn rust — it’s a fungal disease. It starts as a gall then the tentacles appear around spring or after rain. It probably won’t kill this tree but it can seriously mess up secondary host apple trees.

11.“A cast iron circle with raised edges and a zero”

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Image Credit: © Papegaaiduiker / reddit

Answer: I think it’s a support for an old waffle maker.

12.“What is this stuff growing out of the nail holes in my ceiling?”

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Image Credit: © bighamsterwheel / reddit

Answer: That’s termite frass. You’ve got bad termites and you’ll want to deal with it ASAP.

13.“I just bought a house and this weird triangle holder thing is by my kitchen sink. What is it?”

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Image Credit: © SyllabaryBisque / reddit

Answer: It’s a dishtowel holder. Take the corner of your dishtowel and put it to the back of the triangle, then pull down on the towel and it’s held in place.

14. “Found this buried in the garden, very tough glass.”

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Image Credit: © schnerbley / reddit

Answer: My father repaired TVs for decades. I can confirm this one is the glass back.

15. “I bought these at a thrift store. Thought it was a bar spoon but I’m not certain.”

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Image Credit: © redlinelol / reddit

Answer: They’re ice cream spoons.

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