23-year-old woman quits job to be stay-at-home girlfriend but is quickly dumped by partner

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A 23-year-old woman leaves her job to become a stay-at-home girlfriend, only to be dumped by her partner soon after.

At just 23 years old, Kendel Kay made a big decision that changed her life.

After moving to Puerto Rico to be with her boyfriend, she quit her job and became a stay-at-home girlfriend.

Initially, this seemed like a dream come true, but it quickly turned into a nightmare.

23-year-old woman quits job to be stay-at-home girlfriend but is quickly du 8962
At 23, Kendel Kay quit her job to be a stay-at-home girlfriend, but it became a nightmare. Image Credit: Kendel Kay

The woman initially desired to be a stay-at-home girlfriend despite a successful career

Kendel had a successful career as a model and worked in social media marketing.

She met her boyfriend, Luke Lintz, while on vacation in Mexico. The couple hit it off right away.

After only a few weeks of dating, Luke invited Kendel to live with him in his beachside townhouse.

Kendel loved the idea of being in a beautiful place and being taken care of. Luke paid the bills, rent, and even treated her to fancy dinners and trips.

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After weeks of dating, Luke invited Kendel to live with him. Image Credit: Kendel Kay

At first, this lifestyle was exciting. She enjoyed cooking, cleaning, and spending time on her appearance.

Kendel even shared her experiences on social media, where many of her followers admired her new life.

However, as time went on, Kendel began to feel trapped.

23-year-old woman quickly realized this life was overwhelmed

She had given up her independence and financial security. Luke had asked her to quit her job, saying he wanted to provide for her.

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Although she initially agreed, she soon realized how fragile this arrangement was.

“The loss of independence was the worst thing for me,” Kendel said. “It’s so fragile to rely on another human being like that.”

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She gave up her independence for Luke, but the arrangement quickly felt fragile. Image Credit: Kendel Kay

Kendel’s daily life became filled with chores. She spent hours cleaning, cooking, and taking care of Luke.

Instead of feeling fulfilled, she felt overwhelmed and unhappy, and their relationship started to feel unbalanced.

Kendel worked hard to keep the household running, but she had no income of her own.

This created a sense of resentment, especially when Luke was busy with his work.

By the summer of 2023, Kendel’s feelings of discontent grew stronger.

She felt like she was losing her identity and becoming someone else’s support system.

Despite her initial dreams of being a stay-at-home mom, the reality of her situation was different.

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She felt she was losing her identity as a support system. Image Credit: Kendel Kay

“I started to feel restricted like I was being kept in a box,” she explained.

“I didn’t feel I had as much financial freedom as when I was single. Luke was busy working, so when he spent time with me, I enjoyed it, but when we were apart I’d feel resentful.”

She is quickly dumped by her partner after being a stay-at-home girlfriend

In November 2023, Kendel and Luke decided to take a break.

She visited her family in California during this time. While she was away, Luke ended the relationship over the phone.

Although it was painful to hear, Kendel felt a sense of relief. She realized she could finally reclaim her freedom.

23-year-old woman quits job to be stay-at-home girlfriend but is quickly du 8965
She is dumped after being a stay-at-home girlfriend. Image Credit: Kendel Kay

“I think he realized we were both unhappy. It was hard to hear, but there was a part of me that felt relieved I could feel free again,” Kendel says.

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“I stayed with family for two weeks afterward, then rented my own place again.

Thankfully, I still had savings, but it was a painful time and I had to readjust to being me and providing for myself.”

After the breakup, she faced the challenge of rebuilding her life and career after stepping away from her job.

Reactions from the public

Kendel’s story has resonated with many people, especially young women who might consider the stay-at-home girlfriend lifestyle.

Critics of this trend argue that it can lead to unhealthy dynamics in relationships.

They warn that giving up financial independence can make a person vulnerable if the relationship ends.

It’s a dangerous trend that I’m surprised anyone is on board with.

Especially since it’s usually with guys who can barely afford it or refuse to give them any money of their own, one user said.

They can’t tell you anything if you have marketable skills and a reasonably solid financial status independently of your partner.

Let them fail on their own, the second user commented.

My mother drilled into me that I should NEVER be financially dependent on a partner. EVER, another wrote.

This is so fucking dangerous. You earn nothing and you’re entitled to nothing, someone said.

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