46-year-old woman ages eight times faster than usual over rare “Benjamin Button” condition

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A 46-year-old woman suffers from a rare condition known as ‘Benjamin Button,’ causing her to age eight times faster than the average person.

Tiffany Wedekind, a 46-year-old from Columbus, Ohio, is living with a rare genetic condition that causes her to age rapidly.

This condition, known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, is often referred to as the “Benjamin Button” disease.

Most people diagnosed with this syndrome do not live past the age of 13, making Tiffany’s story quite remarkable.

46-year-old woman ages rapidly eight times faster than usual over rare ben 9009
Tiffany Wedekind, 46, from Ohio, ages rapidly due to a rare condition. Image Credit: Barcroft Images.

46-year-old woman gets rapid aging eight times faster than usual over rare condition

Tiffany was diagnosed with progeria in her late twenties.

As a child, she was smaller than her peers and had a higher-pitched voice, but she did not notice any major differences until her early twenties.

At that time, she began experiencing significant health issues, such as losing her hair and teeth.

Concerned about these changes, she visited her doctor, who took a DNA sample. The results confirmed that she had progeria.

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Image Credit: Barcroft Images.

What is Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome?

Progeria is caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure of cells.

This mutation leads to the production of an abnormal protein called progerin.

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Cells that use this protein break down more quickly, resulting in accelerated aging.

While progeria affects all genders and races equally, it is extremely rare, occurring in about one in every four million births.

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Tiffany was diagnosed with progeria in her late twenties. Image Credit: Barcroft Images.

Tiffany’s journey has not been easy.

Her brother, Chad, also had progeria and faced many difficulties due to the condition.

He passed away in 2012 from complications related to progeria.

Tiffany often thinks about her brother and the struggles he faced, which motivates her to maintain a positive outlook on life.

In her own words, Tiffany has stated, “I am blessed to be here and I’m doing everything I can to give myself the best chance.”

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Tiffany’s brother, Chad, had the same condition and passed away. Image Credit: YouTube/ Studio 10.

She emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest, knowing how fleeting it can be.

This perspective has helped her cultivate a joyful approach to her daily experiences.

The woman always be positive despite her rare condition

Despite the challenges posed by her condition, Tiffany considers herself fortunate to be alive.

She often reflects on her life and acknowledges the importance of taking care of herself.

To stay healthy, Tiffany stays active by practicing yoga, biking, and maintaining a balanced diet.

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Tiffany stays healthy by practicing yoga, biking, and eating well. Image Credit: Barcroft Images.

She believes that her efforts to live a healthy lifestyle may contribute to her longevity.

She told Metro: “I age much quicker than everyone else and to be honest, I’m not sure why I’ve lived so long and outlived other people with progeria.

I think it might be because I take good care of myself.”

She uses her platform to educate others about progeria and the challenges that come with it.

Despite the hardships, she is determined to inspire others with her resilience and positive attitude.

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Living with progeria means that Tiffany has to face aspects of aging much earlier than her peers.

However, she refuses to let this define her. Instead, she focuses on the things that bring her joy and fulfillment.

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She aims to inspire others with her resilience and positivity. Image Credit: Barcroft Images.

This includes spending time with family and friends, engaging in hobbies, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Recently, Tiffany started taking a new medication called Lornafarnib.

This drug is expected to help slow down the aging process associated with progeria.

There is hope that it will be approved as the first treatment specifically for this condition.

Tiffany is optimistic about the potential benefits of this new drug and continues to advocate for awareness about progeria.

“[…] I am living life to the full while I can because I have seen how short life can be. I am amazed I am still here so I am treating my life like my playground.”

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