Atheist reveals encounters with hitler and jesus in hell after near-death experience

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An atheist shares his remarkable experiences of encountering hitler and jesus during a near-death experience in hell.

An atheist named Bryan Melvin claims his near-death experience changed his beliefs. He says he met Jesus and saw Adolf Hitler in hell.

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Atheist ‘s journey from atheism to faith

He identified as a “militant atheist.”

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Bryan Melvin, a former militant atheist, claims to have died and experienced a journey to hell. Image: Corbis via Getty Images


His life changed dramatically after he died from cholera. He consumed contaminated water and felt himself being propelled through a “black void” as he took his final breath.

In this state, he described floating above his body.

He observed the room from above before moving toward a bright light. There, he heard “beautiful, profound music.”

Bryan Melvin shares his encounter with jesus and judgment after a near-death experience

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He described meeting Jesus Christ, who told him he didn’t deserve heaven and sent him to hell. Image: Youtube/ISN Network


Melvin stated he encountered Jesus Christ during this experience. He claims Jesus told him he did not deserve to enter heaven. Instead, Melvin was sent down to hell.

Once in hell, he described a horrific environment.

He reported that it “smelled awful” and felt “very hot.” Surrounding him were familiar faces that morphed into grotesque figures with “alligator eyes.”

In this nightmarish place, Melvin claimed he saw Adolf Hitler. He recounted, “The individual that I saw was Adolf Hitler. He was inside a fiery furnace, like Auschwitz.”

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In hell, Melvin encountered Adolf Hitler suffering in a fiery furnace, experiencing torment similar to his victims. Image: Youtube/ISN Network


Melvin described Hitler undergoing intense suffering. He said, “He was going through what every single victim went through.”

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Bryan detailed that he witnessed Hitler’s torment.

Bryan said: “The individual that I saw was Adolf Hitler. He was inside of a fiery furnace, like Auschwitz where they would put the bodies and burn them.

“He was going through what every single victim went through, from their arrest, from their arrival, from their strip down to where they were gassed.”

“Every single one and every single thing, man, woman and child. That is what I saw. He wasn’t reformed. He was getting crazier.”

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Melvin noted the hellish environment was hot, smelled awful, and appeared lifeless. Image Credits: Getty


Melvin revealed his transformation after a near-death experience

After this profound experience, Melvin returned to life as a devout Christian. He is not alone in reporting similar encounters.

Many individuals claim to have witnessed hell during near-death experiences.

One priest reported hearing demons singing Rihanna songs to torture souls. Another person recounted meeting the devil and praying for salvation before being rescued by an angel.

Skepticism surrounding near-death experiences

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After his experience, Melvin converted to Christianity, believing in the existence of hell. Image Credits: Getty


Despite these claims, skepticism persists. Some argue that the concept of hell was invented by the church for control.

While, emeritus Professor of Biochemistry William Reville suggests that vivid near-death experiences are likely rooted in science.

Additionally, he explained that seeing a light at the end of the tunnel could relate to declining oxygen levels in the retina.

Bryan Melvin’s account raises profound questions about faith and the afterlife.

His transformation from atheism to belief in Jesus illustrates the power of near-death experiences.

Inshort, skeptics seek scientific explanations, many remain captivated by these extraordinary stories.

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